Koen Dercksen
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Cited by
Rel: An entity linker standing on the shoulders of giants
JM Van Hulst, F Hasibi, K Dercksen, K Balog, AP de Vries
Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2020
Named entity recognition and linking on historical newspapers: UvA. ILPS & REL at CLEF HIPE 2020
V Provatorova, S Vakulenko, E Kanoulas, K Dercksen, JM van Hulst
[Sl]: CEUR, 2020
Dealing with label scarcity in computational pathology: a use case in prostate cancer classification
K Dercksen, W Bulten, G Litjens
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.06820, 2019
First Steps Towards Patient-Friendly Presentation of Dutch Radiology Reports
K Dercksen, AP de Vries
International Workshop on Semantic Indexing and Information Retrieval for …, 2020
SimpleRad: Patient-Friendly Dutch Radiology Reports
K Dercksen, AP de Vries, B van Ginneken
European Conference on Information Retrieval, 224-229, 2023
Exploring task-based query expansion at the TREC-COVID track
T Schoegje, C Kamphuis, K Dercksen, D Hiemstra, T Pieters, A de Vries
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.12674, 2020
Exploring term expansion for task-based retrieval at the TREC-COVID track
T Schoegje, C Kamphuis, K Dercksen, D Hiemstra, T Pieters, AP de Vries
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.12674, 2020
Robust multi-vendor breast region segmentation using deep learning
K Dercksen, M Kallenberg, J Kroes
15th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWBI2020) 11513, 337-343, 2020
Exploring the Impact of BudgetPrune on Apache Spark Random Forest Performance
K Dercksen, J Kwisthout, A de Vries
Improving the recognition of Dutch Gothic machine print, at four levels in the processing pipeline, in four days
L Schomaker, M Ameryan, M Cuper, K Dercksen, J Guo, R van Koert, ...
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Articles 1–10