Jimin Liang
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Cited by
Medical Image Segmentation based on U-Net: A Review.
G Du, X Cao, J Liang, X Chen, Y Zhan
Journal of Imaging Science & Technology 64 (2), 2020
Frame difference energy image for gait recognition with incomplete silhouettes
C Chen, J Liang, H Zhao, H Hu, J Tian
Pattern Recognition Letters 30 (11), 977-984, 2009
GPU-based Monte Carlo simulation for light propagation in complex heterogeneous tissues
N Ren, J Liang, X Qu, J Li, B Lu, J Tian
Optics express 18 (7), 6811-6823, 2010
Dysfunctional connectivity patterns in chronic heroin users: an fMRI study
J Liu, J Liang, W Qin, J Tian, K Yuan, L Bai, Y Zhang, W Wang, Y Wang, ...
Neuroscience letters 460 (1), 72-77, 2009
Fluorescent gold nanoclusters: synthesis and recent biological application
X Qu, Y Li, L Li, Y Wang, J Liang, J Liang
Journal of Nanomaterials 2015 (1), 784097, 2015
Local energy pattern for texture classification using self-adaptive quantization thresholds
J Zhang, J Liang, H Zhao
IEEE transactions on image processing 22 (1), 31-42, 2012
Experimental Cerenkov luminescence tomography of the mouse model with SPECT imaging validation
Z Hu, J Liang, W Yang, W Fan, C Li, X Ma, X Chen, X Ma, X Li, X Qu, ...
Optics express 18 (24), 24441-24450, 2010
Determining scientific impact using a collaboration index
J Stallings, E Vance, J Yang, MW Vannier, J Liang, L Pang, L Dai, I Ye, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (24), 9680-9685, 2013
Sparse reconstruction for quantitative bioluminescence tomography based on the incomplete variables truncated conjugate gradient method
X He, J Liang, X Wang, J Yu, X Qu, X Wang, Y Hou, D Chen, F Liu, J Tian
Optics Express 18 (24), 24825-24841, 2010
Synoptic distribution of dayside aurora: Multiple-wavelength all-sky observation at Yellow River Station in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
ZJ Hu, H Yang, D Huang, T Araki, N Sato, M Taguchi, E Seran, H Hu, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 71 (8-9), 794-804, 2009
Npenas: Neural predictor guided evolution for neural architecture search
C Wei, C Niu, Y Tang, Y Wang, H Hu, J Liang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 34 (11), 8441-8455, 2022
Cone beam x‐ray luminescence computed tomography: A feasibility study
D Chen, S Zhu, H Yi, X Zhang, D Chen, J Liang, J Tian
Medical physics 40 (3), 031111, 2013
Factorial HMM and parallel HMM for gait recognition
C Chen, J Liang, H Zhao, H Hu, J Tian
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2008
Gatcluster: Self-supervised gaussian-attention network for image clustering
C Niu, J Zhang, G Wang, J Liang
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Volumetric chemical imaging by stimulated Raman projection microscopy and tomography
X Chen, C Zhang, P Lin, KC Huang, J Liang, J Tian, JX Cheng
Nature communications 8 (1), 15117, 2017
Partial correlation investigation on the default mode network involved in acupuncture: an fMRI study
P Liu, Y Zhang, G Zhou, K Yuan, W Qin, L Zhuo, J Liang, P Chen, J Dai, ...
Neuroscience letters 462 (3), 183-187, 2009
Continuous rotation invariant local descriptors for texton dictionary-based texture classification
J Zhang, H Zhao, J Liang
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 117 (1), 56-75, 2013
In vivo quantitative bioluminescence tomography using heterogeneous and homogeneous mouse models
J Liu, Y Wang, X Qu, X Li, X Ma, R Han, Z Hu, X Chen, D Sun, R Zhang, ...
Optics express 18 (12), 13102-13113, 2010
Spatial texture based automatic classification of dayside aurora in all-sky images
Q Wang, J Liang, ZJ Hu, HH Hu, H Zhao, HQ Hu, X Gao, H Yang
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 72 (5-6), 498-508, 2010
Molecular optical simulation environment (MOSE): a platform for the simulation of light propagation in turbid media
S Ren, X Chen, H Wang, X Qu, G Wang, J Liang, J Tian
PloS one 8 (4), e61304, 2013
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Articles 1–20