Marco Steenbergen
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Cited by
Modeling multilevel data structures
MR Steenbergen, BS Jones
american Journal of political Science, 218-237, 2002
Measuring party positions in Europe: The Chapel Hill expert survey trend file, 1999–2010
R Bakker, C De Vries, E Edwards, L Hooghe, S Jolly, G Marks, J Polk, ...
Party Politics 21 (1), 143-152, 2015
The responsive voter: Campaign information and the dynamics of candidate evaluation
M Lodge, MR Steenbergen, S Brau
American political science review 89 (2), 309-326, 1995
Deliberative politics in action. Analysing parliamentary discourse
J Steiner, A Bächtiger, M Spörndli, MR Steenbergen
Measuring political deliberation: A discourse quality index
MR Steenbergen, A Bächtiger, M Spörndli, J Steiner
Comparative European Politics 1 (1), 21-48, 2003
Explaining the salience of anti-elitism and reducing political corruption for political parties in Europe with the 2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey data
J Polk, J Rovny, R Bakker, E Edwards, L Hooghe, S Jolly, J Koedam, ...
Research & Politics 4 (1), 2053168016686915, 2017
Reliability and validity of measuring party positions: The Chapel Hill expert surveys of 2002 and 2006
L Hooghe, R Bakker, A Brigevich, C De Vries, E Edwards, G Marks, ...
European Journal of Political Research 49 (5), 687-703, 2010
European integration and political conflict
G Marks, MR Steenbergen
Cambridge University Press, 2004
Disentangling diversity in deliberative democracy: Competing theories, their blind spots and complementarities
A Bächtiger, S Niemeyer, M Neblo, MR Steenbergen, J Steiner
Journal of Political Philosophy 18 (1), 32-63, 2010
Who’s cueing whom? Mass-elite linkages and the future of European integration
MR Steenbergen, EE Edwards, CE De Vries
European Union Politics 8 (1), 13-35, 2007
The ambivalent partisan: How critical loyalty promotes democracy
HG Lavine, CD Johnston, MR Steenbergen
Oxford University Press, 2012
Mean voter representation and partisan constituency representation: Do parties respond to the mean voter position or to their supporters?
L Ezrow, C De Vries, M Steenbergen, E Edwards
Party Politics 17 (3), 275-301, 2011
Evaluating expert judgments
MR Steenbergen, G Marks
European Journal of Political Research 46 (3), 347-366, 2007
The humanitarian foundation of public support for social welfare
S Feldman, MR Steenbergen
American Journal of Political Science, 658-677, 2001
Chapel Hill Expert Survey trend file, 1999–2019
S Jolly, R Bakker, L Hooghe, G Marks, J Polk, J Rovny, M Steenbergen, ...
Electoral studies 75, 102420, 2022
Crossvalidating data on party positioning on European integration
G Marks, L Hooghe, MR Steenbergen, R Bakker
Electoral Studies 26 (1), 23-38, 2007
Deliberative democracy: An introduction
A Bächtiger, MR Steenbergen, S Niemeyer
Swiss Political Science Review 13 (4), 485-496, 2007
Understanding political contestation in the European Union
G Marks, M Steenbergen
Comparative Political Studies 35 (8), 879-892, 2002
Chapel Hill expert survey
R Bakker, E Edwards, L Hooghe, S Jolly, G Marks, J Polk, J Rovny, ...
Version, 2015
Contesting Europe? The salience of European integration as a party issue
MR Steenbergen, DJ Scott
European integration and political conflict, 165-92, 2004
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Articles 1–20