Aameek Singh
Cited by
Cited by
Server-storage virtualization: integration and load balancing in data centers
A Singh, M Korupolu, D Mohapatra
SC'08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 1-12, 2008
TrustMe: anonymous management of trust relationships in decentralized P2P systems
A Singh, L Liu
Proceedings Third International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing …, 2003
Shares and utilities based power consolidation in virtualized server environments
M Cardosa, MR Korupolu, A Singh
2009 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, 327-334, 2009
Purlieus: locality-aware resource allocation for MapReduce in a cloud
B Palanisamy, A Singh, L Liu, B Jain
Proceedings of 2011 international conference for high performance computing …, 2011
SIP based VoIP multiplayer network games
A Acharya, A Singh
US Patent 7,985,138, 2011
Server consolidation using virtual machine resource tradeoffs
MD Cardosa, S Gopisetty, MR Korupolu, A Singh
US Patent 9,424,094, 2016
Enabling collaborative applications using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) based Voice over Internet protocol networks (VoIP)
A Acharya, DD Kandlur, P Mahadevan, ZY Shae, A Singh
US Patent 7,376,129, 2008
Cost-effective resource provisioning for mapreduce in a cloud
B Palanisamy, A Singh, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 26 (5), 1265-1279, 2014
SIP based VoIP multiplayer network games
A Acharya, A Singh
US Patent 8,070,601, 2011
Exploiting spatio-temporal tradeoffs for energy-aware mapreduce in the cloud
M Cardosa, A Singh, H Pucha, A Chandra
IEEE transactions on computers 61 (12), 1737-1751, 2012
Coupled placement in modern data centers
M Korupolu, A Singh, B Bamba
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, 1-12, 2009
Calibrating cloud computing environments
R Ayala, K Chavda, S Gopisetty, SS Murthy, A Singh
US Patent 9,323,561, 2016
‘SPARK: Integrated Resource Allocation in Virtualization-Enabled SAN Data Centers
A Singh, M Korupolu, B Bamba
Proceedings of the ACM PODC, 2007
Locality-aware resource allocation for cloud computing
B Palanisamy, A Singh
US Patent 8,972,986, 2015
Apoidea: A decentralized peer-to-peer architecture for crawling the world wide web
A Singh, M Srivatsa, L Liu, T Miller
Distributed Multimedia Information Retrieval: SIGIR 2003 Workshop on …, 2004
Data lifecycle management within a cloud computing environment
G Alatorre, R Ayala, K Chavda, S Gopisetty, A Singh
US Patent 8,918,439, 2014
Search-as-a-service: Outsourced search over outsourced storage
A Singh, M Srivatsa, L Liu
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) 3 (4), 1-33, 2009
Zodiac: Efficient Impact Analysis for Storage Area Networks.
A Singh, MR Korupolu, K Voruganti
Fast 5, 6-6, 2005
Sharoes: A data sharing platform for outsourced enterprise storage environments
A Singh, L Liu
2008 ieee 24th international conference on data engineering, 993-1002, 2008
PTC: Proxies that transcode and cache in heterogeneous Web client environments
A Singh, A Trivedi, K Ramamritham, P Shenoy
World Wide Web 7, 7-28, 2004
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Articles 1–20