Lisa Pope
Lisa Pope
Honorary Research Fellow, University of Queensland
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Reliable microsatellite genotyping of the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) using faecal DNA
AC Frantz, LC Pope, PJ Carpenter, TJ Roper, GJ Wilson, RJ Delahay, ...
Molecular Ecology 12 (6), 1649-1661, 2003
Unprecedented low levels of genetic variation and inbreeding depression in an island population of the black‐footed rock‐wallaby
MDB Eldridge, JM King, AK Loupis, PBS Spencer, AC Taylor, LC Pope, ...
Conservation Biology 13 (3), 531-541, 1999
Geographic structure of mitochondrial and nuclear gene polymorphisms in Australian green turtle populations and male-biased gene flow
NN FitzSimmons, C Moritz, CJ Limpus, L Pope, R Prince
Genetics 147 (4), 1843-1854, 1997
Polygynandry, extra‐group paternity and multiple‐paternity litters in European badger (Meles meles) social groups
HL Dugdale, DW Macdonald, LC Pope, T Burke
Molecular Ecology 16 (24), 5294-5306, 2007
Population structure of the yellow‐footed rock‐wallaby Petrogale xanthopus (Gray, 1854) inferred from mtDNA sequences and microsatellite loci
LC Pope, A Sharp, C Moritz
Molecular Ecology 5 (5), 629-640, 1996
Phylogeography and population structure of an ecotonal marsupial, Bettongia tropica, determined using mtDNA and microsatellites
LC Pope, A Estoup, C Moritz
Molecular Ecology 9 (12), 2041-2053, 2000
Mating system of the Eurasian badger, Meles meles, in a high density population
PJ Carpenter, LC Pope, C Greig, DA Dawson, LM Rogers, K Erven, ...
Molecular Ecology 14 (1), 273-284, 2005
Estimating population size by genotyping remotely plucked hair: the Eurasian badger
AC Frantz, M Schaul, LC Pope, F Fack, L Schley, CP Muller, TJ Roper
Journal of Applied Ecology 41 (5), 985-995, 2004
Versatile primers for the amplification of the mitochondrial DNA control region in marsupials.
L Fumagalli, LC Pope, P Taberlet, C Moritz
Molecular Ecology 6 (12), 1997
Isolation by distance and gene flow in the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) at both a local and broad scale
LC Pope, X Domingo‐Roura, K Erven, T Burke
Molecular Ecology 15 (2), 371-386, 2006
Estimation of badger abundance using faecal DNA typing
GJ Wilson, AC Frantz, LC Pope, TJ Roper, TA Burke, CL Cheeseman, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 40 (4), 658-666, 2003
Genetic evidence that culling increases badger movement: implications for the spread of bovine tuberculosis
LC Pope, RK Butlin, GJ Wilson, R Woodroffe, K Erven, CM Conyers, ...
Molecular Ecology 16 (23), 4919-4929, 2007
Using isolation‐by‐distance‐based approaches to assess the barrier effect of linear landscape elements on badger (Meles meles) dispersal
AC Frantz, LC Pope, TR Etherington, GJ Wilson, T Burke
Molecular Ecology 19 (8), 1663-1674, 2010
Age‐specific breeding success in a wild mammalian population: Selection, constraint, restraint and senescence
HL Dugdale, LC Pope, C Newman, DW Macdonald, T Burke
Molecular ecology 20 (15), 3261-3274, 2011
Reproductive skew and relatedness in social groups of European badgers, Meles meles
HL Dugdale, DW Macdonald, LC Pope, PJ Johnson, T Burke
Molecular Ecology 17 (7), 1815-1827, 2008
A forensic STR profiling system for the Eurasian badger: a framework for developing profiling systems for wildlife species
N Dawnay, R Ogden, RS Thorpe, LC Pope, DA Dawson, R McEwing
Forensic Science International: Genetics 2 (1), 47-53, 2008
Badger responses to small-scale culling may compromise targeted control of bovine tuberculosis
J Bielby, CA Donnelly, LC Pope, T Burke, R Woodroffe
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (25), 9193-9198, 2014
Social group size affects Mycobacterium bovis infection in European badgers (Meles meles)
R Woodroffe, CA Donnelly, G Wei, DR Cox, FJ Bourne, T Burke, RK Butlin, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology, 818-827, 2009
Stability of nest range, home range and movement of the northern bettong (Bettongia tropica) following moderate-intensity fire in a tropical woodland, north-eastern Queensland
K Vernes, LC Pope
Wildlife Research 28 (2), 141-150, 2001
Seasonality, dung specificity and competition in dung beetle assemblages in the Australian Wet Tropics, north-eastern Australia
K Vernes, LC Pope, CJ Hill, F Bärlocher
Journal of Tropical Ecology 21 (1), 1-8, 2005
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Articles 1–20