Andrew J. Tyre
Andrew J. Tyre
Professor of Wildlife Ecology, University of Nebraska Lincoln
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Zero tolerance ecology: improving ecological inference by modelling the source of zero observations
TG Martin, BA Wintle, JR Rhodes, PM Kuhnert, SA Field, SJ Low‐Choy, ...
Ecology letters 8 (11), 1235-1246, 2005
Improving precision and reducing bias in biological surveys: estimating false‐negative error rates
AJ Tyre, B Tenhumberg, SA Field, D Niejalke, K Parris, HP Possingham
Ecological Applications 13 (6), 1790-1801, 2003
Optimizing allocation of monitoring effort under economic and observational constraints
SA Field, AJ Tyre, HP Possingham
The Journal of Wildlife Management 69 (2), 473-482, 2005
Making monitoring meaningful
SA Field, PJ O'CONNOR, AJ Tyre, HP Possingham
Austral Ecology 32 (5), 485-491, 2007
Minimizing the cost of environmental management decisions by optimizing statistical thresholds
SA Field, AJ Tyre, N Jonzén, JR Rhodes, HP Possingham
Ecology Letters 7 (8), 669-675, 2004
Inferring process from pattern: can territory occupancy provide information about life history parameters?
AJ Tyre, HP Possingham, DB Lindenmayer
Ecological Applications 11 (6), 1722-1737, 2001
Evaluating the efficacy of adaptive management approaches: is there a formula for success?
JE McFadden, TL Hiller, AJ Tyre
Journal of environmental management 92 (5), 1354-1359, 2011
Effects of landscape pattern on bird species distribution in the Mt. Lofty Ranges, South Australia
MI Westphal, SA Field, AJ Tyre, D Paton, HP Possingham
Landscape ecology 18, 413-426, 2003
Testing the accuracy of population viability analysis
MA McCarthy, HP Possingham, JR Day, AJ Tyre
Conservation Biology 15 (4), 1030-1038, 2001
Linking wild and captive populations to maximize species persistence: optimal translocation strategies
B Tenhumberg, AJ Tyre, K Shea, HP Possingham
Conservation Biology 18 (5), 1304-1314, 2004
Planning for robust reserve networks using uncertainty analysis
A Moilanen, MC Runge, J Elith, A Tyre, Y Carmel, E Fegraus, BA Wintle, ...
Ecological Modelling 199 (1), 115-124, 2006
An evaluation of three statistical methods used to model resource selection
DM Baasch, AJ Tyre, JJ Millspaugh, SE Hygnstrom, KC Vercauteren
Ecological Modelling 221 (4), 565-574, 2010
Do harvest refuges buffer kangaroos against evolutionary responses to selective harvesting?
B Tenhumberg, AJ Tyre, AR Pople, HP Possingham
Ecology 85 (7), 2003-2017, 2004
Estimating bird species richness: how should repeat surveys be organized in time?
SA Field, AJ Tyre, HP Possingham
Austral Ecology 27 (6), 624-629, 2002
Pollen-mediated gene flow from glyphosate-resistant common waterhemp (Amaranthus rudis Sauer): consequences for the dispersal of resistance genes
D Sarangi, AJ Tyre, EL Patterson, TA Gaines, S Irmak, SZ Knezevic, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 44913, 2017
Optimizing presence–absence surveys for detecting population trends
JR Rhodes, AJ Tyre, N Jonzén, CA McALPINE, HP Possingham
The Journal of Wildlife Management 70 (1), 8-18, 2006
Cheating in an obligate mutualism: how often do yucca moths benefit yuccas?
JF Addicott, AJ Tyre
Oikos, 382-394, 1995
Improving the efficiency of wildlife monitoring by estimating detectability: a case study of foxes (Vulpes vulpes) on the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
SA Field, AJ Tyre, KH Thorn, PJ O’Connor, HP Possingham
Wildlife Research 32 (3), 253-258, 2005
Model complexity affects transient population dynamics following a dispersal event: a case study with pea aphids
B Tenhumberg, AJ Tyre, R Rebarber
Ecology 90 (7), 1878-1890, 2009
Correction of location errors for presence‐only species distribution models
TJ Hefley, DM Baasch, AJ Tyre, EE Blankenship
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (3), 207-214, 2014
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