Bruce Margon
Bruce Margon
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The sloan digital sky survey: Technical summary
DG York, J Adelman, JE Anderson Jr, SF Anderson, J Annis, NA Bahcall, ...
The Astronomical Journal 120 (3), 1579, 2000
The seventh data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
KN Abazajian, JK Adelman-McCarthy, MA Agüeros, SS Allam, CA Prieto, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 182 (2), 543, 2009
Detection of the baryon acoustic peak in the large-scale correlation function of SDSS luminous red galaxies
DJ Eisenstein, I Zehavi, DW Hogg, R Scoccimarro, MR Blanton, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 633 (2), 560, 2005
Sloan digital sky survey: early data release
C Stoughton, RH Lupton, M Bernardi, MR Blanton, S Burles, FJ Castander, ...
The Astronomical Journal 123 (1), 485, 2002
The sixth data release of the sloan digital sky survey
JK Adelman-McCarthy, MA Agüeros, SS Allam, CA Prieto, KSJ Anderson, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 175 (2), 297, 2008
Parameter estimation in X-ray astronomy
M Lampton, B Margon, S Bowyer
Astrophysical Journal, vol. 208, Aug. 15, 1976, pt. 1, p. 177-190. 208, 177-190, 1976
The second data release of the sloan digital sky survey
K Abazajian, JK Adelman-McCarthy, MA Agüeros, SS Allam, ...
The Astronomical Journal 128 (1), 502, 2004
The fourth data release of the sloan digital sky survey
JK Adelman-McCarthy, MA Agüeros, SS Allam, KSJ Anderson, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 162 (1), 38, 2006
SEGUE: A Spectroscopic Survey of 240,000 Stars with g= 14–20
B Yanny, C Rockosi, HJ Newberg, GR Knapp, JK Adelman-McCarthy, ...
The Astronomical Journal 137 (5), 4377, 2009
The first data release of the sloan digital sky survey
K Abazajian, JK Adelman-McCarthy, MA Agüeros, SS Allam, SF Anderson, ...
The Astronomical Journal 126 (4), 2081, 2003
The third data release of the sloan digital sky survey
K Abazajian, JK Adelman-McCarthy, MA Agüeros, SS Allam, ...
The Astronomical Journal 129 (3), 1755, 2005
Observations of SS 433
B Margon
IN: Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics. Volume 22. Palo Alto, CA …, 1984
The sloan digital sky survey quasar catalog. IV. Fifth data release
DP Schneider, PB Hall, GT Richards, MA Strauss, DEV Berk, ...
The Astronomical Journal 134 (1), 102, 2007
HST FOS spectroscopy of M87: Evidence for a disk of ionized gas around a massive black hole
RJ Harms, HC Ford, ZI Tsvetanov, GF Hartig, LL Dressel, GA Kriss, ...
Astrophysical Journal, Part 2-Letters (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 435, no. 1, p …, 1994
Solar system objects observed in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey commissioning data
Ž Ivezić, S Tabachnik, R Rafikov, RH Lupton, T Quinn, M Hammergren, ...
The Astronomical Journal 122 (5), 2749, 2001
Narrowband HST images of M87: Evidence for a disk of ionized gas around a massive black hole
HC Ford, RJ Harms, ZI Tsvetanov, GF Hartig, LL Dressel, GA Kriss, ...
Astrophysical Journal, Part 2-Letters (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 435, no. 1, p …, 1994
Dynamical formation of close binary systems in globular clusters
D Pooley, WHG Lewin, SF Anderson, H Baumgardt, AV Filippenko, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 591 (2), L131, 2003
The sloan digital sky survey quasar catalog. III. Third data release
DP Schneider, PB Hall, GT Richards, DEV Berk, SF Anderson, X Fan, ...
The Astronomical Journal 130 (2), 367, 2005
Candidate RR lyrae stars found in sloan digital sky survey commissioning data
Ž Ivezić, JEG Peek, K Finlator, GR Knapp, B Yanny, TA McKay, S Amrose, ...
The Astronomical Journal 120 (2), 963, 2000
Evidence for a supernova in reanalyzed optical and near-infrared images of GRB 970228
TJ Galama, N Tanvir, PM Vreeswijk, R Wijers, PJ Groot, E Rol, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 536 (1), 185, 2000
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