Albert Wagelmans
Economic lot sizing: An O (n log n) algorithm that runs in linear time in the Wagner-Whitin case
A Wagelmans, S Van Hoesel, A Kolen
Operations Research 40 (1-supplement-1), S145-S156, 1992
Models and algorithms for integration of vehicle and crew scheduling
R Freling, D Huisman, APM Wagelmans
Journal of Scheduling 6, 63-85, 2003
An O (T 3) algorithm for the economic lot-sizing problem with constant capacities
CPM Van Hoesel, APM Wagelmans
Management science 42 (1), 142-150, 1996
Multiple-depot integrated vehicle and crew scheduling
D Huisman, R Freling, APM Wagelmans
Transportation Science 39 (4), 491-502, 2005
Is blood pressure increased 19 years after intrauterine growth restriction and preterm birth? A prospective follow-up study in The Netherlands
MG Keijzer-Veen, MJJ Finken, J Nauta, FW Dekker, ETM Hille, M Frölich, ...
Pediatrics 116 (3), 725-731, 2005
A dynamic lot-sizing model with demand time windows
CY Lee, S Çetinkaya, APM Wagelmans
Management Science 47 (10), 1384-1395, 2001
Models and algorithms for single-depot vehicle scheduling
R Freling, APM Wagelmans, JMP Paixão
Transportation Science 35 (2), 165-180, 2001
A robust solution approach to the dynamic vehicle scheduling problem
D Huisman, R Freling, APM Wagelmans
Transportation Science 38 (4), 447-458, 2004
An algorithm for single-item capacitated economic lot sizing with piecewise linear production costs and general holding costs
DX Shaw, APM Wagelmans
Management Science 44 (6), 831-838, 1998
Integrated lot sizing in serial supply chains with production capacities
S Van Hoesel, HE Romeijn, DR Morales, APM Wagelmans
Management science 51 (11), 1706-1719, 2005
A savings based method for real-life vehicle routing problems
A Poot, G Kant, APM Wagelmans
Journal of the Operational Research Society 53 (1), 57-68, 2002
A decision support system for crew planning in passenger transportation using a flexible branch-and-price algorithm
R Freling, RM Lentink, APM Wagelmans
Annals of Operations Research 127, 203-222, 2004
Fully polynomial approximation schemes for single-item capacitated economic lot-sizing problems
CPM Van Hoesel, APM Wagelmans
Mathematics of Operations Research 26 (2), 339-357, 2001
On the complexity of postoptimality analysis of 01 programs
S Van Hoesel, A Wagelmans
Discrete Applied Mathematics 91 (1-3), 251-263, 1999
The economic lot-sizing problem with an emission capacity constraint
MJR Helmrich, R Jans, W van den Heuvel, APM Wagelmans
European Journal of Operational Research 241 (1), 50-62, 2015
Combining column generation and Lagrangian relaxation
D Huisman, R Jans, M Peeters, APM Wagelmans
Column generation, 247-270, 2005
Effective algorithms for integrated scheduling of handling equipment at automated container terminals
PJM Meersmans, APM Wagelmans
ERS-2001-36-LIS, 2001
Online stochastic UAV mission planning with time windows and time-sensitive targets
L Evers, AI Barros, H Monsuur, A Wagelmans
European Journal of Operational Research 238 (1), 348-362, 2014
Calculation of stability radii for combinatorial optimization problems
N Chakravarti, APM Wagelmans
Operations Research Letters 23 (1-2), 1-7, 1998
Kidney exchange with long chains: An efficient pricing algorithm for clearing barter exchanges with branch-and-price
KM Glorie, JJ van de Klundert, APM Wagelmans
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 16 (4), 498-512, 2014
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