Yamil Ricardo Velez
Yamil Ricardo Velez
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Group size versus change? Assessing Americans’ perception of local immigration
BJ Newman, Y Velez
Political Research Quarterly 67 (2), 293-303, 2014
Are citizens “receiving the treatment”? Assessing a key link in contextual theories of public opinion and political behavior
BJ Newman, Y Velez, TK Hartman, A Bankert
Political Psychology 36 (1), 123-131, 2015
Ethnic change, personality, and polarization over immigration in the American public
CD Johnston, BJ Newman, Y Velez
Public Opinion Quarterly 79 (3), 662-686, 2015
Racial Diversity and the Dynamics of Authoritarianism
Y Velez, H Lavine
Journal of Politics, 2017
Analyze the attentive and bypass bias: Mock vignette checks in survey experiments
JV Kane, YR Velez, J Barabas
Political Science Research and Methods 11 (2), 293-310, 2023
Sandy the rainmaker: The electoral impact of a super storm
Y Velez, D Martin
PS: Political Science & Politics 46 (2), 313-323, 2013
Assessing Contextual Measurement Strategies
YR Velez, G Wong
Journal of Politics, 2017
Diversity of a different kind: Gentrification and its impact on social capital and political participation in Black communities
BJ Newman, Y Velez, S Pearson-Merkowitz
Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 1 (2), 316-347, 2016
Correcting COVID-19 vaccine misinformation in 10 countries
E Porter, Y Velez, TJ Wood
Royal Society open science 10 (3), 221097, 2023
The Political Consequences of Ethnically Targeted Incarceration: Evidence from Japanese American Internment during World War II
M Komisarchik, M Sen, YR Velez
The Journal of Politics 84 (3), 1497-1514, 2022
Tuning in, not turning out: Evaluating the impact of ethnic television on political participation
YR Velez, BJ Newman
American Journal of Political Science 63 (4), 808-823, 2019
Placebo selection in survey experiments: An agnostic approach
E Porter, YR Velez
Political Analysis 30 (4), 481-494, 2022
American local government elections database
J de Benedictis-Kessner, DDI Lee, YR Velez, C Warshaw
Scientific Data 10 (1), 912, 2023
Latino-targeted misinformation and the power of factual corrections
YR Velez, E Porter, TJ Wood
The Journal of Politics 85 (2), 789-794, 2023
Factual corrections eliminate false beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines
E Porter, Y Velez, TJ Wood
Public Opinion Quarterly 86 (3), 762-773, 2022
Residential mobility constraints and immigration restrictionism
YR Velez
Political Behavior 42, 719-743, 2020
Confronting core issues: A critical assessment of attitude polarization using tailored experiments
YR Velez, P Liu
American Political Science Review, 1-18, 2024
Reversion to the Mean, or Their Version of the Dream? Latino Voting in an Age of Populism
BL Fraga, YR Velez, EA West
American Political Science Review, 1-9, 2024
Independent leaners: Ideals, myths, and reality
H Norpoth, Y Velez
The Forum 10 (3), 2012
Promoting reproducibility and replicability in political science
A Brodeur, K Esterling, J Ankel-Peters, NS Bueno, S Desposato, A Dreber, ...
Research & Politics 11 (1), 20531680241233439, 2024
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