James Saenz
James Saenz
B CUBE Center for Molecular Bioengineering, TU Dresden
E-mailová adresa ověřena na: - Domovská stránka
Hopanoids as functional analogues of cholesterol in bacterial membranes
JP Sáenz, D Grosser, AS Bradley, TJ Lagny, O Lavrynenko, M Broda, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1515607112, 2015
Functional convergence of hopanoids and sterols in membrane ordering
JP Sáenz, E Sezgin, P Schwille, K Simons
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (35), 14236-14240, 2012
Fundamental behaviors emerge from simulations of a living minimal cell
ZR Thornburg, DM Bianchi, TA Brier, BR Gilbert, TM Earnest, MCR Melo, ...
Cell 185 (2), 345-360. e28, 2022
DNA and lipid molecular stratigraphic records of haptophyte succession in the Black Sea during the Holocene
MJL Coolen, JP Saenz, L Giosan, NY Trowbridge, P Dimitrov, D Dimitrov, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284 (3-4), 610-621, 2009
Biomarkers, chemistry and microbiology show chemoautotrophy in a multilayer chemocline in the Cariaco Basin
SG Wakeham, C Turich, F Schubotz, A Podlaska, XN Li, R Varela, Y Astor, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 63, 133-156, 2012
Adenosylhopane: The first intermediate in hopanoid side chain biosynthesis
AS Bradley, A Pearson, JP Sáenz, CJ Marx
Organic Geochemistry 41 (10), 1075-1081, 2010
Principles of membrane adaptation revealed through environmentally induced bacterial lipidome remodeling
G Chwastek, MA Surma, S Rizk, D Grosser, O Lavrynenko, M Rucińska, ...
Cell Reports 32 (12), 2020
Diversity of hopanoids and squalene‐hopene cyclases across a tropical land‐sea gradient
A Pearson, WD Leavitt, JP Sáenz, RE Summons, MCM Tam, HG Close
Environmental Microbiology 11 (5), 1208-1223, 2009
New constraints on the provenance of hopanoids in the marine geologic record: Bacteriohopanepolyols in marine suboxic and anoxic environments
JP Sáenz, SG Wakeham, TI Eglinton, RE Summons
Organic Geochemistry 42 (11), 1351-1362, 2011
Permeabilities of teleost and elasmobranch gill apical membranes: evidence that lipid bilayers alone do not account for barrier function
WG Hill, JC Mathai, RH Gensure, JD Zeidel, G Apodaca, JP Saenz, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 287 (1), C235-C242, 2004
Lipid membranes modulate the activity of RNA through sequence-dependent interactions
T Czerniak, JP Saenz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (4), e2119235119, 2022
Abundance and structural diversity of bacteriohopanepolyols in suspended particulate matter along a river to ocean transect
JP Sáenz, TI Eglinton, RE Summons
Organic Geochemistry 42 (7), 774-780, 2011
Hopanoid enrichment in a detergent resistant membrane fraction of Crocosphaera watsonii: Implications for bacterial lipid raft formation
JP Sáenz
Organic Geochemistry 41 (8), 853-856, 2010
Distribution of anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in a subterranean estuary
JP Sáenz, EC Hopmans, D Rogers, PB Henderson, MA Charette, ...
Marine Chemistry 136, 7-13, 2012
Hopanoids in marine cyanobacteria: probing their phylogenetic distribution and biological role
JP Sáenz, JB Waterbury, TI Eglinton, RE Summons
Geobiology 10 (4), 311-319, 2012
Crosstalk of lipid and protein homeostasis to maintain membrane function
C Stordeur, K Puth, JP Sáenz, R Ernst
Biological Chemistry, ---, 2013
Homeostatic control of biological membranes by dedicated lipid and membrane packing sensors
K Puth, HF Hofbauer, JP Sáenz, R Ernst
Biological Chemistry 396 (9-10), 1043-1058, 2015
Functional diversity of isoprenoid lipids in Methylobacterium extorquens PA1
JPS Sandra Rizk, Petra Henke, Carlos Santana-Molina, Gesa Martens, Marén ...
Molecular Microbiology, 2021
The role of hopanoids in fortifying rhizobia against a changing climate
EM Tookmanian, BJ Belin, JP Sáenz, DK Newman
Environmental microbiology 23 (6), 2906-2918, 2021
A Method for High‐Throughput Measurements of Viscosity in Sub‐micrometer‐Sized Membrane Systems
G Chwastek, EP Petrov, JP Sáenz
ChemBioChem 21 (6), 836-844, 2020
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