Stefanos Zenios
Stefanos Zenios
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Cited by
Inventory management of remanufacturable products
LB Toktay, LM Wein, SA Zenios
Management science 46 (11), 1412-1426, 2000
The relationship between workplace stressors and mortality and health costs in the United States
J Goh, J Pfeffer, SA Zenios
Management Science 62 (2), 608-628, 2016
Health-related quality of life and estimates of utility in chronic kidney disease
I Gorodetskaya, S Zenios, CE Mcculloch, A Bostrom, CY Hsu, ...
Kidney international 68 (6), 2801-2808, 2005
An empiric estimate of the value of life: updating the renal dialysis cost‐effectiveness standard
CP Lee, GM Chertow, SA Zenios
Value in Health 12 (1), 80-87, 2009
Workplace stressors & health outcomes: Health policy for the workplace
J Goh, J Pfeffer, SA Zenios
Behavioral Science & Policy 1 (1), 43-52, 2015
Dynamic allocation of kidneys to candidates on the transplant waiting list
SA Zenios, GM Chertow, LM Wein
Operations Research 48 (4), 549-569, 2000
A principal-agent model for product specification and production
AV Iyer, LB Schwarz, SA Zenios
Management Science 51 (1), 106-119, 2005
Patient choice in kidney allocation: A sequential stochastic assignment model
X Su, SA Zenios
Operations research 53 (3), 443-455, 2005
Recipient choice can address the efficiency-equity trade-off in kidney transplantation: A mechanism design model
X Su, SA Zenios
Management science 52 (11), 1647-1660, 2006
Diminishing significance of HLA matching in kidney transplantation
X Su, SA Zenios, H Chakkera, EL Milford, GM Chertow
American Journal of Transplantation 4 (9), 1501-1508, 2004
Performance-based incentives in a dynamic principal-agent model
EL Plambeck, SA Zenios
Manufacturing & service operations management 2 (3), 240-263, 2000
Patient choice in kidney allocation: The role of the queueing discipline
X Su, S Zenios
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 6 (4), 280-301, 2004
Pooled testing for HIV screening: capturing the dilution effect
LM Wein, SA Zenios
Operations Research 44 (4), 543-569, 1996
Dynamic multidrug therapies for HIV: A control theoretic approach
LM Wein, SA Zenios, MA Nowak
Journal of Theoretical Biology 185 (1), 15-29, 1997
Modeling the transplant waiting list: A queueing model with reneging
SA Zenios
Queueing systems 31, 239-251, 1999
The timing of staffing decisions in hospital operating rooms: incorporating workload heterogeneity into the newsvendor problem
B He, F Dexter, A Macario, S Zenios
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 14 (1), 99-114, 2012
Supply auctions and relational contracts for procurement
TI Tunca, SA Zenios
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 8 (1), 43-67, 2006
Primum non nocere: avoiding harm to vulnerable wait list candidates in an indirect kidney exchange
SA Zenios, ES Woodle, LF Ross
Transplantation 72 (4), 648-654, 2001
A dynamic principal-agent model with hidden information: Sequential optimality through truthful state revelation
H Zhang, S Zenios
Operations Research 56 (3), 681-696, 2008
Outcomes-adjusted reimbursement in a health-care delivery system
PC Fuloria, SA Zenios
Management Science 47 (6), 735-751, 2001
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Articles 1–20