Magnus Svärd
Magnus Svärd
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Review of summation-by-parts schemes for initial–boundary-value problems
M Svärd, J Nordström
Journal of Computational Physics 268, 17-38, 2014
A stable high-order finite difference scheme for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations, far-field boundary conditions
M Svärd, MH Carpenter, J Nordström
Journal of Computational Physics 225 (1), 1020-1038, 2007
On the order of accuracy for difference approximations of initial-boundary value problems
M Svärd, J Nordström
Journal of Computational Physics 218 (1), 333-352, 2006
Stable and accurate artificial dissipation
K Mattsson, M Svärd, J Nordström
Journal of Scientific Computing 21, 57-79, 2004
A stable high-order finite difference scheme for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations: no-slip wall boundary conditions
M Svärd, J Nordström
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (10), 4805-4824, 2008
A stable and conservative high order multi-block method for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations
J Nordström, J Gong, E Van der Weide, M Svärd
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (24), 9020-9035, 2009
Well-posed boundary conditions for the Navier--Stokes equations
J Nordström, M Svärd
SIAM Journal on numerical analysis 43 (3), 1231-1255, 2005
On coordinate transformations for summation-by-parts operators
M Svärd
Journal of Scientific Computing 20, 29-42, 2004
Stable and accurate schemes for the compressible Navier–Stokes equations
K Mattsson, M Svärd, M Shoeybi
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (4), 2293-2316, 2008
Entropy-stable schemes for the Euler equations with far-field and wall boundary conditions
M Svärd, H Özcan
Journal of Scientific Computing 58, 61-89, 2014
Steady-state computations using summation-by-parts operators
M Svärd, K Mattsson, J Nordström
Journal of Scientific Computing 24, 79-95, 2005
A new Eulerian model for viscous and heat conducting compressible flows
M Svärd
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 506, 350-375, 2018
High-order accurate computations for unsteady aerodynamics
K Mattsson, M Svärd, M Carpenter, J Nordström
Computers & Fluids 36 (3), 636-649, 2007
CHIMPS: A high-performance scalable module for multi-physics simulations
J Alonso, S Hahn, F Ham, M Herrmann, G Iaccarino, G Kalitzin, ...
42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 5274, 2006
An adaptive implicit–explicit scheme for the DNS and LES of compressible flows on unstructured grids
M Shoeybi, M Svärd, FE Ham, P Moin
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (17), 5944-5965, 2010
On the convergence rates of energy-stable finite-difference schemes
M Svärd, J Nordström
Journal of Computational Physics 397, 108819, 2019
Stability of finite volume approximations for the Laplacian operator on quadrilateral and triangular grids
M Svärd, J Nordström
Applied Numerical Mathematics 51 (1), 101-125, 2004
Entropy stable summation-by-parts formulations for compressible computational fluid dynamics
MH Carpenter, TC Fisher, EJ Nielsen, M Parsani, M Svärd, N Yamaleev
Handbook of Numerical Analysis 17, 495-524, 2016
Weak solutions and convergent numerical schemes of modified compressible Navier–Stokes equations
M Svärd
Journal of Computational Physics 288, 19-51, 2015
On stability of numerical schemes via frozen coefficients and the magnetic induction equations
S Mishra, M Svärd
BIT Numerical Mathematics 50, 85-108, 2010
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Articles 1–20