R.L. Eckstein
TRY plant trait database–enhanced coverage and open access
J Kattge, G Bönisch, S Díaz, S Lavorel, IC Prentice, P Leadley, ...
Global change biology 26 (1), 119-188, 2020
Leaf life span and nutrient resorption as determinants of plant nutrient conservation in temperate‐arctic regions
RL Eckstein, PS Karlsson, M Weih
New phytologist 143 (1), 177-189, 1999
Effects of litter on seedling establishment in natural and semi‐natural grasslands: a meta‐analysis
A Loydi, RL Eckstein, A Otte, TW Donath
Journal of Ecology 101 (2), 454-464, 2013
Interactions between litter and water availability affect seedling emergence in four familial pairs of floodplain species
RL Eckstein, TW Donath
Journal of Ecology 93 (4), 807-816, 2005
Scoring and analysis of methylation‐sensitive amplification polymorphisms for epigenetic population studies
B Schulz, RL Eckstein, W Durka
Molecular ecology resources 13, 642-653, 2013
Effects of bryophytes and grass litter on seedling emergence vary by vertical seed position and seed size
TW Donath, RL Eckstein
Plant Ecology 207, 257-268, 2010
Restorative removal of plant litter and vegetation 40 years after abandonment enhances re-emergence of steppe grassland vegetation
E Ruprecht, MZ Enyedi, RL Eckstein, TW Donath
Biological Conservation 143 (2), 449-456, 2010
Genetic structure among and within peripheral and central populations of three endangered floodplain violets
RL Eckstein, RA O’Neill, J Danihelka, A Otte, W Köhler
Molecular Ecology 15 (9), 2367-2379, 2006
Epigenetic variation reflects dynamic habitat conditions in a rare floodplain herb
B Schulz, RL Eckstein, W Durka
Molecular ecology 23 (14), 3523-3537, 2014
Above-ground growth and nutrient use by plants in a subarctic environment: effects of habitat, life-form and species
RL Eckstein, PS Karlsson
Oikos 79 (2), 311-324, 1997
Recycling of nitrogen among segments of Hylocomium splendens as compared with Polytrichum commune: implications for clonal integration in an ectohydric bryophyte
RL Eckstein, PS Karlsson
Oikos 86 (1), 87-96, 1999
Non-native species litter reduces germination and growth of resident forbs and grasses: allelopathic, osmotic or mechanical effects?
A Loydi, TW Donath, RL Eckstein, A Otte
Biological Invasions 17, 581-595, 2015
Nitrogen retention by Hylocomium splendens in a subarctic birch woodland
RL Eckstein
Journal of Ecology 88 (3), 506-515, 2000
Grass and oak litter exert different effects on seedling emergence of herbaceous perennials from grasslands and woodlands
TW Donath, RL Eckstein
Journal of Ecology 96 (2), 272-280, 2008
Differential effects of interspecific interactions and water availability on survival, growth and fecundity of three congeneric grassland herbs
RL Eckstein
New Phytologist 166 (2), 525-536, 2005
Variation in nitrogen‐use efficiency among and within subarctic graminoids and herbs
RL Eckstein, PS Karlsson
New Phytologist 150 (3), 641-651, 2001
Direct and indirect effects of climate change on distribution and community composition of macrophytes in lentic systems
L Lind, RL Eckstein, RA Relyea
Biological Reviews 97 (4), 1677-1690, 2022
The significance of resorption of leaf resources for shoot growth in evergreen and deciduous woody plants from a subarctic environment
RL Eckstein, PS Karlsson, M Weih
Oikos 81 (3), 567-575, 1998
Chemical effects of a dominant grass on seed germination of four familial pairs of dry grassland species
E Ruprecht, TW Donath, A Otte, R Lutz Eckstein
Seed Science Research 18 (4), 239-248, 2008
Desiccation cracks act as natural seed traps in flood-meadow systems
S Burmeier, RL Eckstein, A Otte, TW Donath
Plant and Soil 333, 351-364, 2010
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