Franziska  Schneider-Warme
Franziska Schneider-Warme
Experimental Cardiovascular Medicine (IEKM), University Heart Center, University of Freiburg
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Cited by
Neocortical excitation/inhibition balance in information processing and social dysfunction
O Yizhar, LE Fenno, M Prigge, F Schneider, TJ Davidson, DJ O’shea, ...
Nature 477 (7363), 171-178, 2011
Conversion of channelrhodopsin into a light-gated chloride channel
J Wietek, JS Wiegert, N Adeishvili, F Schneider, H Watanabe, ...
Science 344 (6182), 409-412, 2014
Optogenetic tools for subcellular applications in neuroscience
BR Rost, F Schneider-Warme, D Schmitz, P Hegemann
Neuron 96 (3), 572-603, 2017
Biophysics of channelrhodopsin
F Schneider, C Grimm, P Hegemann
Annual review of biophysics 44 (1), 167-186, 2015
Color-tuned channelrhodopsins for multiwavelength optogenetics
M Prigge, F Schneider, SP Tsunoda, C Shilyansky, J Wietek, K Deisseroth, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (38), 31804-31812, 2012
Optogenetic acidification of synaptic vesicles and lysosomes
BR Rost, F Schneider, MK Grauel, C Wozny, C G Bentz, A Blessing, ...
Nature neuroscience 18 (12), 1845-1852, 2015
Ion selectivity and competition in channelrhodopsins
F Schneider, D Gradmann, P Hegemann
Biophysical journal 105 (1), 91-100, 2013
Potassium channel-based optogenetic silencing
YA Bernal Sierra, BR Rost, M Pofahl, AM Fernandes, RA Kopton, S Moser, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4611, 2018
Bimodal Activation of Different Neuron Classes with the Spectrally Red-Shifted Channelrhodopsin Chimera C1V1 in Caenorhabditis elegans
K Erbguth, M Prigge, F Schneider, P Hegemann, A Gottschalk
Public Library of Science 7 (10), e46827, 2012
Rectification of the channelrhodopsin early conductance
D Gradmann, A Berndt, F Schneider, P Hegemann
Biophysical journal 101 (5), 1057-1068, 2011
Structural model of channelrhodopsin
HC Watanabe, K Welke, F Schneider, S Tsunoda, F Zhang, K Deisseroth, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (10), 7456-7466, 2012
WiChR, a highly potassium-selective channelrhodopsin for low-light one-and two-photon inhibition of excitable cells
J Vierock, E Peter, C Grimm, A Rozenberg, IW Chen, L Tillert, ...
Science Advances 8 (49), eadd7729, 2022
Cardiac electrophysiological effects of light-activated chloride channels
RA Kopton, JS Baillie, SA Rafferty, R Moss, CM Zgierski-Johnston, ...
Frontiers in physiology 9, 1806, 2018
Optogenetic targeting of cardiac myocytes and non-myocytes: tools, challenges and utility
CM Johnston, EA Rog-Zielinska, EM Wülfers, T Houwaart, U Siedlecka, ...
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 130, 140-149, 2017
Complex photochemistry within the green-absorbing channelrhodopsin ReaChR
BS Krause, C Grimm, JCD Kaufmann, F Schneider, TP Sakmar, FJ Bartl, ...
Biophysical journal 112 (6), 1166-1175, 2017
Novel insights into the electrophysiology of murine cardiac macrophages: relevance of voltage-gated potassium channels
A Simon-Chica, MC Fernández, EM Wülfers, A Lother, I Hilgendorf, ...
Cardiovascular research 118 (3), 798-813, 2022
Light and pH-induced changes in structure and accessibility of transmembrane helix B and its immediate environment in channelrhodopsin-2
P Volz, N Krause, J Balke, C Schneider, M Walter, F Schneider, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 291 (33), 17382-17393, 2016
The power of optogenetics: Potential in cardiac experimental and clinical electrophysiology.
F Schneider-Warme
Herzschrittmachertherapie & Elektrophysiologie 29 (1), 24-29, 2018
Optogenetic tools for manipulation of cyclic nucleotides functionally coupled to cyclic nucleotide‐gated channels
T Henß, J Nagpal, S Gao, U Scheib, A Pieragnolo, A Hirschhäuser, ...
British journal of pharmacology 179 (11), 2519-2537, 2022
Channelrhodopsins for cell-type specific illumination of cardiac electrophysiology
MC Fernández, RA Kopton, A Simon-Chica, J Madl, I Hilgendorf, ...
Channelrhodopsin: Methods and Protocols, 287-307, 2021
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Articles 1–20