Maria Ghiso
Maria Ghiso
Teachers College, Columbia University
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Cited by
Developing conceptual categories in classroom descriptive research: Some problems and possibilities
LR Sipe
Anthropology & Education Quarterly 35 (4), 472-485, 2004
Partnering with immigrant communities: Action through literacy
G Campano, MP Ghiso, BJ Welch
Teachers College Press, 2016
Immigrant students as cosmopolitan intellectuals
G Campano, MP Ghiso
Handbook of research on children's and young adult literature, 164-176, 2011
“Nobody knows the... amount of a person”: Elementary students critiquing dehumanization through organic critical literacies
G Campano, MP Ghiso, L Sánchez
Research in the Teaching of English 48 (1), 98-125, 2013
The laundromat as the transnational local: Young children's literacies of interdependence
MP Ghiso
Teachers College Record 118 (1), 1-46, 2016
Ethical and professional norms in community-based research
G Campano, MP Ghiso, B Welch
Harvard Educational Review 85 (1), 29-49, 2015
Students using multimodal literacies to surface micronarratives of United States immigration
MP Ghiso, DE Low
Literacy 47 (1), 26-34, 2013
Coloniality and education: Negotiating discourses of immigration in schools and communities through border thinking
MP Ghiso, G Campano
Equity & Excellence in Education 46 (2), 252-269, 2013
Toward community research and coalitional literacy practices for educational justice
G Campano, MP Ghiso, M Yee, A Pantoja
Language Arts 90 (5), 314-326, 2013
“Writing That Matters”: Collaborative Inquiry and Authoring Practices in a First-Grade Class
MP Ghiso
Language Arts 88 (Stories of Achievement), 346-355, 2011
On languaging and communities: Latino/a emergent bilinguals' expansive learning and critical inquiries into global childhoods
P Martínez-Álvarez, MP Ghiso
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 20 (6), 667-687, 2017
Agency as collectivity: Community-based research for educational equity
G Campano, MP Ghiso, O Badaki, C Kannan
Theory into practice 59 (2), 223-233, 2020
Playing with/through non-fiction texts: Young children authoring their relationships with history
MP Ghiso
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 13 (1), 26-51, 2013
Ideologies of language and identity in US children's literature
MP Ghiso, G Campano
Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature 51 (3), 47-55, 2013
Showcasing transnational and bilingual expertise: A case study of a Cantonese-English emergent bilingual within an after-school program centering Latinx experiences
J Kwon, MP Ghiso, P Martínez-Álvarez
Bilingual Research Journal 42 (2), 164-177, 2019
Arguing from experience: Young children’s embodied knowledge and writing as inquiry
MP Ghiso
Journal of Literacy Research 47 (2), 186-215, 2015
“I talk them through it”: Teacher mediation of picturebooks with sparse verbal text during whole‐class readalouds
MP Ghiso, CE McGuire
Literacy Research and Instruction 46 (4), 341-361, 2007
Mentoring in research-practice partnerships: Toward democratizing expertise
MP Ghiso, G Campano, ER Schwab, D Asaah, A Rusoja
AERA Open 5 (4), 2332858419879448, 2019
Research & Policy:“Education without Boundaries”: Literacy Pedagogies and Human Rights
G Campano, MP Ghiso, A Rusoja, D Grace, ER Schwab
Language Arts 94 (1), 43-53, 2016
Linguistically diverse children and educators (re) forming early literacy policy
TG Spencer, L Falchi, MP Ghiso
Early Childhood Education Journal 39, 115-123, 2011
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Articles 1–20