Olga Cherednichenko (ORCID:0000-0002-9391-5220)
Olga Cherednichenko (ORCID:0000-0002-9391-5220)
Other namesОльга Чередніченко, О. Ю. Чередніченко
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (grid.18192.33/ROR 00yp5c433), UKRAINE
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Cited by
Cited by
Sentiment analysis in the Ukrainian and Russian news
V Bobichev, O Kanishcheva, O Cherednichenko
2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2017
Complex term identification for Ukrainian medical texts
O Cherednichenko, O Kanishcheva, N Babkova
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 146-154, 2018
Preface: computational linguistics and intelligent systems (COLINS-2019)
V Lytvyn, N Sharonova, T Hamon, O Cherednichenko, N Grabar, ...
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2362, 2019
Collection and Processing of a Medical Corpus in Ukrainian.
O Cherednichenko, O Kanishcheva, O Yakovleva, D Arkatov
COLINS, 272-282, 2020
Issues of Fact-based Information Analysis.
N Sharonova, A Doroshenko, O Cherednichenko
COLINS, 11-19, 2018
Models of research activity measurement: web-based monitoring implementation
O Cherednichenko, O Yanholenko, O Iakovleva, O Kustov
Information Systems: Education, Applications, Research: 7th SIGSAND/PLAIS …, 2014
Towards quality monitoring and evaluation methodology: Higher education case-study
O Cherednichenko, O Yangolenko
Information Systems: Methods, Models, and Applications: 4th International …, 2013
The concept of device meta-model for real-time communication in the transboundary environment monitoring system
V Tkachenko, O Cherednichenko, M Godlevskyi
2018 International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of …, 2018
Applıcatıon of Paragraphs Vectors Model for Semantıc Text Analysıs.
I Gruzdo, I Kyrychenko, G Tereshchenko, O Cherednichenko
COLINS, 283-293, 2020
Towards the technology of employers’ requirements collection development
O Cherednichenko, M Vovk, O Yanholenko, O Yakovleva
Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering: Synergetic …, 2020
Improving communication in enterprise solutions: challenges and opportunities
V Gorbachov, O Cherednichenko
Computational linguistics andintelligent systems (COLINS 2017), 2017
Studying Items Similarity for Dependable Buying on Electronic Marketplaces.
O Cherednichenko, M Vovk, O Kanishcheva, M Godlevskyi
COLINS, 78-89, 2018
Readability Evaluation for Ukrainian Medicine Corpus (UKRMED).
O Cherednichenko, O Kanishcheva
COLINS, 402-412, 2021
Towards improving the search quality on the trading platforms
O Cherednichenko, M Vovk, O Kanishcheva, M Godlevskyi
Information Systems: Research, Development, Applications, Education: 11th …, 2018
Модель управления развитием высших учебных заведений на основе качества образования
МД Годлевский, ОЮ Чередниченко, ЯН Гамлуш
Восточно-Европейский журнал передових технологий, 123-127, 2005
Recommender chatbot as a tool for collaborative business intelligence in tourism domain
O Cherednichenko, F Muhammad
European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 604-611, 2023
A Reference Model for Collaborative Business Intelligence Virtual Assistants
O Cherednichenko, F Muhammad, J Darmont, C Favre
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.10556, 2023
A Model for Estimating the Security Level of Mobile Applications: a Fuzzy Logic Approach.
O Yanholenko, O Cherednichenko, O Yakovleva, D Arkatov
IntelITSIS, 252-266, 2020
Forecasting the results of football matches on the Internet based information
YA Klyuchka, OY Cherednichenko, AV Vasylenko, OV Yakovleva
Вісник Національного технічного університету ХПІ. Серія: Системний аналіз …, 2017
Web-Based monitoring: multiagent implementation of data sources searching
O Cherednichenko, O Yanholenko, A Norbutaev
Proc. of the 2nd Global Virtual Conference, 2014
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Articles 1–20