Qiang Fu
Cited by
Cited by
Execution anomaly detection in distributed systems through unstructured log analysis
Q Fu, JG Lou, Y Wang, J Li
2009 ninth IEEE international conference on data mining, 149-158, 2009
Mining invariants from console logs for system problem detection
JG Lou, Q Fu, S Yang, Y Xu, J Li
2010 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 10), 2010
Where do developers log? an empirical study on logging practices in industry
Q Fu, J Zhu, W Hu, JG Lou, R Ding, Q Lin, D Zhang, T Xie
Companion Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software …, 2014
Learning to log: Helping developers make informed logging decisions
J Zhu, P He, Q Fu, H Zhang, MR Lyu, D Zhang
2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering 1 …, 2015
Correlating events with time series for incident diagnosis
C Luo, JG Lou, Q Lin, Q Fu, R Ding, D Zhang, Z Wang
Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2014
Mining program workflow from interleaved traces
JG Lou, Q Fu, S Yang, J Li, B Wu
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2010
Log2: A {Cost-Aware} logging mechanism for performance diagnosis
R Ding, H Zhou, JG Lou, H Zhang, Q Lin, Q Fu, D Zhang, T Xie
2015 USENIX annual technical conference (USENIX ATC 15), 139-150, 2015
Yading: Fast clustering of large-scale time series data
R Ding, Q Wang, Y Dang, Q Fu, H Zhang, D Zhang
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 8 (5), 473-484, 2015
Mining dependency in distributed systems through unstructured logs analysis
JG Lou, Q Fu, Y Wang, J Li
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 44 (1), 91-96, 2010
Log message anomaly detection
Q Fu, JG Lou, J Li
US Patent 8,495,429, 2013
Software analytics for incident management of online services: An experience report
JG Lou, Q Lin, R Ding, Q Fu, D Zhang, T Xie
2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2013
Reasoning like program executors
X Pi, Q Liu, B Chen, M Ziyadi, Z Lin, Y Gao, Q Fu, JG Lou, W Chen
CoRR abs/2201.11473 (2022), 0
Contextual analysis of program logs for understanding system behaviors
Q Fu, JG Lou, Q Lin, R Ding, D Zhang, T Xie
2013 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 397-400, 2013
Identifying Recurrent and Unknown Performance Issues
MH Lim, JG Lou, H Zhang, Q Fu, A Teoh, Q Lin, J Ding, D Zhang
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'14), 2014
Automatically localizing root error through log analysis
JG Lou, Q Fu, J Li
US Patent App. 12/573,162, 2011
Healing online service systems via mining historical issue repositories
R Ding, Q Fu, JG Lou, Q Lin, D Zhang, J Shen, T Xie
Proceedings of the 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated …, 2012
Mining Historical Issue Repositories to Heal Large-Scale Online Service Systems
R Ding, Q Fu, JG Lou, Q Lin, D Zhang, T Xie
The 2014 44th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable …, 2014
A recognition based system for segmentation of touching handwritten numeral strings
Y Lei, CS Liu, XQ Ding, Q Fu
Ninth International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, 294-299, 2004
Experience report on applying software analytics in incident management of online service
JG Lou, Q Lin, R Ding, Q Fu, D Zhang, T Xie
automated software engineering 24, 905-941, 2017
Homophily-oriented heterogeneous graph rewiring
J Guo, L Du, W Bi, Q Fu, X Ma, X Chen, S Han, D Zhang, Y Zhang
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, 511-522, 2023
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Articles 1–20