Sagar Chittori
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Cited by
Structural mechanism of glutamate receptor activation and desensitization
JR Meyerson, J Kumar, S Chittori, P Rao, J Pierson, A Bartesaghi, ...
Nature 514 (7522), 328-334, 2014
Cryo-electron microscopy structures of the N501Y SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in complex with ACE2 and 2 potent neutralizing antibodies
X Zhu, D Mannar, SS Srivastava, AM Berezuk, JP Demers, JW Saville, ...
PLoS biology 19 (4), e3001237, 2021
Cryo-EM structures reveal coordinated domain motions that govern DNA cleavage by Cas9
X Zhu, R Clarke, AK Puppala, S Chittori, A Merk, BJ Merrill, M Simonoviæ, ...
Nature structural & molecular biology 26 (8), 679-685, 2019
High potency of a bivalent human VH domain in SARS-CoV-2 animal models
W Li, A Schäfer, SS Kulkarni, X Liu, DR Martinez, C Chen, Z Sun, SR Leist, ...
Cell 183 (2), 429-441. e16, 2020
Structural mechanisms of centromeric nucleosome recognition by the kinetochore protein CENP-N
S Chittori, J Hong, H Saunders, H Feng, R Ghirlando, AE Kelly, Y Bai, ...
Science 359 (6373), 339-343, 2018
Self-assembled monolayers improve protein distribution on holey carbon cryo-EM supports
JR Meyerson, P Rao, J Kumar, S Chittori, S Banerjee, J Pierson, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 7084, 2014
Structural basis of kainate subtype glutamate receptor desensitization
JR Meyerson, S Chittori, A Merk, P Rao, TH Han, M Serpe, ML Mayer, ...
Nature 537 (7621), 567-571, 2016
Tyrosine 66 of Pepper vein banding virus genome-linked protein is uridylylated by RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
R Anindya, S Chittori, HS Savithri
Virology 336 (2), 154-162, 2005
Structure of the primed state of the ATPase domain of chromatin remodeling factor ISWI bound to the nucleosome
S Chittori, J Hong, Y Bai, S Subramaniam
Nucleic acids research 47 (17), 9400-9409, 2019
Structural and mechanistic investigations on Salmonella typhimurium acetate kinase (AckA): identification of a putative ligand binding pocket at the dimeric interface
S Chittori, HS Savithri, MRN Murthy
BMC Structural Biology 12, 1-15, 2012
A tail-based mechanism drives nucleosome demethylation by the LSD2/NPAC multimeric complex
C Marabelli, B Marrocco, S Pilotto, S Chittori, S Picaud, S Marchese, ...
Cell Reports 27 (2), 387-399. e7, 2019
Structure and function of enzymes involved in the anaerobic degradation of L-threonine to propionate
DK Simanshu, S Chittori, HS Savithri, MRN Murthy
Journal of biosciences 32, 1195-1206, 2007
Preferential assembly of heteromeric kainate and AMPA receptor amino terminal domains
H Zhao, S Lomash, S Chittori, C Glasser, ML Mayer, P Schuck
Elife 6, e32056, 2017
Anions mediate ligand binding in Adineta vaga glutamate receptor ion channels
S Lomash, S Chittori, P Brown, ML Mayer
Structure 21 (3), 414-425, 2013
AAA+ ATPase p97/VCP mutants and inhibitor binding disrupt inter-domain coupling and subsequent allosteric activation
B Caffrey, X Zhu, A Berezuk, K Tuttle, S Chittori, S Subramaniam
Journal of Biological Chemistry 297 (4), 2021
Crystal structure of Salmonella typhimurium 2-methylcitrate synthase: Insights on domain movement and substrate specificity
S Chittori, HS Savithri, MRN Murthy
Journal of Structural Biology 174 (1), 58-68, 2011
Preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies on acetate kinase (AckA) from Salmonella typhimurium in two crystal forms
S Chittori, HS Savithri, MRN Murthy
Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization …, 2011
Structure of the putative mutarotase YeaD from Salmonella typhimurium: structural comparison with galactose mutarotases
S Chittori, DK Simanshu, HS Savithri, MRN Murthy
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 63 (2), 197-205, 2007
Mechanistic features of Salmonella typhimurium propionate kinase (TdcD): insights from kinetic and crystallographic studies
S Chittori, DK Simanshu, S Banerjee, AMV Murthy, S Mathivanan, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics 1834 (10), 2036-2044, 2013
Structures of substrate-and nucleotide-bound propionate kinase from Salmonella typhimurium: substrate specificity and phosphate-transfer mechanism
AMV Murthy, S Mathivanan, S Chittori, HS Savithri, MRN Murthy
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 71 (8), 1640-1648, 2015
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Articles 1–20