Jiří Špalek
Jiří Špalek
E-mailová adresa ověřena na: - Domovská stránka
Ekonomika a řízení odvětví veřejného sektoru
J Rektořík, B Binka, V Hyánek, I Malý, J Šelešovský, S Škarabelová, ...
Ekopress, 2002
Veřejné statky: teorie a experiment
J Špalek
Nakladatelství CH Beck, 2011
Gender differences in beliefs and actions in a framed corruption experiment
M Fišar, M Kubák, J Špalek, J Tremewan
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 63, 69-82, 2016
A dual-fMRI investigation of the iterated Ultimatum Game reveals that reciprocal behaviour is associated with neural alignment
DJ Shaw, K Czekóová, R Staněk, R Mareček, T Urbánek, J Špalek, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 10896, 2018
Communication and electronic public administration: Some issues in the context of the Czech system of public administration
D Špaček, J Špalek
Lessons and Recommendations for Improvement: Central and Eastern European …, 2007
Media negativity bias and tax compliance: experimental evidence
M Fišar, T Reggiani, F Sabatini, J Špalek
International Tax and Public Finance, 1-53, 2021
Committed to reciprocate on a bribe or blow the whistle: The effects of periodical staff-rotation in public administration
M Fišar, O Krčál, R Staněk, J Špalek
Public Performance & Management Review 44 (2), 404-424, 2021
Na penězích záleží. České neziskové organizace v 21. století
J Špalek, V Hyánek, L Fónadová, M Hladká, M Jakubcová, T Katrňák, ...
Masarykova univerzita, 2017
Housing Tenure Choice and Housing Expenditures In the Czech Republic.
D Špalková, J Špalek
Current Trends in Public Sector Research, 2013
Social decision‐making in the brain: Input‐state‐output modelling reveals patterns of effective connectivity underlying reciprocal choices
D Shaw, K Czekóová, M Gajdoš, R Staněk, J Špalek, M Brázdil
Human Brain Mapping 40 (2), 699-712, 2019
Threshold effectiveness in contributing to the public good: Experiments involving Czech students
J Špalek, Z Berná
Prague Economic Papers 3, 250-267, 2011
Jsou ekonomové jiní? Ekonomický model versus realita [Are economists different? economic model]
J Šeneklová, J Špalek
Politická ekonomie 2009 (1), 21-45, 2009
Contribution of statistical pattern recognition methods for identification of competitiveness factors of Czech companies
J Špalek, O Částek
Ekonomický časopis/Journal of Economics 58 (9), 922-937, 2010
Evaluation of Tax-Revenue Forecasts in the Czech Republic (in Czech)
J Špalek, D Moravanský
Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver) 55 (3-4), 162-187, 2005
Does rent deregulation influence housing tenure choice? The case of the Czech Republic
D Špalková, J Špalek
Ekonomický časopis (Journal of Economics) 7 (62), 692–708, 2014
Pension Reform through Voluntary Opt-Out: The Czech Case
R Jahoda, J Špalek
Finance a úvěr Czech Journal of Economics and Finance 59 (4), 309-333, 2009
Relationship Between Public Subsidies and Unearned Revenues for Non-Profit Organizations: Testing the Crowding-out and Crowding-in Positions in the Czech Republic
M Hladká, V Hyánek, J Špalek
Ekonomický časopis (Journal of Economics) 3 (65), 263–281, 2017
Changes in Revenue Structure in Czech Non-profit Organizations during the Financial Crises: Has the Importance of Public Sources Changed? 1
L Fónadová, J Spalek, V Hyánek
Ekonomicky Casopis 64 (7), 686, 2016
Brokering Health Policy: The Case of Czech Republic Healthcare Reform
Z Darmopilová, J Špalek
Public Policy and Administration: Challenges and Synergies, 1-25, 2008
Housing of seniors in the Czech Republic: Challenges for social services
D Špalková, J Špalek
Journal of Social Service Research 43 (5), 580-592, 2017
Systém momentálně nemůže danou operaci provést. Zkuste to znovu později.
Články 1–20