Miguel A. Laguna
Miguel A. Laguna
Professor of Computer Science, University of Valladolid
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A systematic mapping study on software product line evolution: From legacy system reengineering to product line refactoring
MA Laguna, Y Crespo
Science of Computer Programming 78 (8), 1010-1034, 2013
Seamless development of software product lines
MA Laguna, B González-Baixauli, JM Marqués
Proceedings of the 6th international Conference on Generative Programming …, 2007
Metamodeling for requirements reuse
O López, MÁ Laguna Serrano, FJ García-Peñalvo
Introducing systematic reuse in mainstream software process
Laguna, Lopez, Garcia
2003 Proceedings 29th Euromicro Conference, 351-358, 2003
CBR Applied to Development with Reuse Based on mecanos
F García, J Corchado, M Laguna
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Engineering and …, 2001
Product line requirements based on goals, features and use cases
B González-Baixauli, MA Laguna, Y Crespo
International Workshop on Requirements Reuse in System Family Engineering …, 2004
Requirements variability support through MDA™ and graph transformation
J Pérez, MA Laguna, YC González-Carvajal, B González-Baixauli
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 152, 161-173, 2006
Using goal-models to analyze variability.
B González-Baixauli, MA Laguna, JCS do Prado Leite
VaMoS, 101-107, 2007
Requirements variability models: meta-model based transformations
MA Laguna, B Gonzalez-Baixauli
Proceedings of the 2005 symposia on Metainformatics, 9-es, 2005
A user requirements elicitation tool
MA Laguna, JM Marqués, FJ García
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 26 (2), 35-37, 2001
Reuse based analysis and clustering of requirements diagrams
O Lopez, MA Laguna, FJ Garcia
Pre-Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Requirements …, 2002
Requirements reuse for software development
OL Villegas, MA Laguna
RE 1, 27-31, 2001
Eliciting non-functional requirements interactions using the personal construct theory
B Gonzalez-Baixauli, JCS do Prado Leite, MA Laguna
14th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'06), 347-348, 2006
Product lines, features, and MDD
B González-Baixauli, MA Laguna, Y Crespo
EWMT 2005 workshop, 2005
MDA e Ingeniería de Requisitos para Líneas de Producto
B González-Baixauli, MA Laguna
Actas del II Taller sobre Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos, MDA y …, 2005
Product Line Requirements: Multi-Paradigm Variability Models.
MA Laguna, B González-Baixauli
WER, 2008
Análisis de Variabilidad con Modelos de Objetivos.
B González-Baixauli, MA Laguna, JCS do Prado Leite
WER, 77-87, 2004
Formal concept analysis support for conceptual abstraction in database reengineering
C Hernández, F Prieto, MA Laguna, Y Crespo
Proceedings of the Database Management and Reengineering Workshop at ICSM 2002, 2002
Remote monitoring and fall detection: multiplatform java based mobile applications
MA Laguna, J Finat
Ambient Assisted Living: Third International Workshop, IWAAL 2011, Held at …, 2011
Mobile health monitoring and smart sensors: a product line approach
MA Laguna, J Finat, JA González
Proceedings of the 2009 Euro American Conference on Telematics and …, 2009
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Articles 1–20