Jeffrey Bury
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Cited by
Mining and social movements: struggles over livelihood and rural territorial development in the Andes
A Bebbington, DH Bebbington, J Bury, J Lingan, JP Muñoz, M Scurrah
World development 36 (12), 2888-2905, 2008
Subterranean struggles: New dynamics of mining, oil, and gas in Latin America
A Bebbington, J Bury
University of Texas press, 2013
Institutional challenges for mining and sustainability in Peru
AJ Bebbington, JT Bury
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (41), 17296-17301, 2009
Glacier recession and water resources in Peru’s Cordillera Blanca
M Baraer, BG Mark, JM McKenzie, T Condom, J Bury, KI Huh, ...
Journal of Glaciology 58 (207), 134-150, 2012
Mining mountains: neoliberalism, land tenure, livelihoods, and the new Peruvian mining industry in Cajamarca
J Bury
Environment and planning A 37 (2), 221-239, 2005
Livelihoods in transition: transnational gold mining operations and local change in Cajamarca, Peru
J Bury
Geographical Journal 170 (1), 78-91, 2004
An integrated socio-environmental framework for glacier hazard management and climate change adaptation: lessons from Lake 513, Cordillera Blanca, Peru
M Carey, C Huggel, J Bury, C Portocarrero, W Haeberli
Climatic Change 112, 733-767, 2012
Glacier recession and human vulnerability in the Yanamarey watershed of the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
JT Bury, BG Mark, JM McKenzie, A French, M Baraer, KI Huh, ...
Climatic Change 105, 179-206, 2011
New geographies of water and climate change in Peru: Coupled natural and social transformations in the Santa River watershed
J Bury, BG Mark, M Carey, KR Young, JM McKenzie, M Baraer, A French, ...
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103 (2), 363-374, 2013
Climate change and tropical Andean glacier recession: Evaluating hydrologic changes and livelihood vulnerability in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
BG Mark, J Bury, JM McKenzie, A French, M Baraer
Annals of the Association of American geographers 100 (4), 794-805, 2010
Toward hydro-social modeling: Merging human variables and the social sciences with climate-glacier runoff models (Santa River, Peru)
M Carey, M Baraer, BG Mark, A French, J Bury, KR Young, JM McKenzie
Journal of Hydrology 518, 60-70, 2014
Political ecologies of the subsoil
A Bebbington, J Bury
Subterranean struggles: New dynamics of mining, oil, and gas in Latin …, 2013
Livelihoods, mining and peasant protests in the Peruvian Andes
J Bury, A Kolff
Journal of Latin American Geography, 3-16, 2002
Glacier loss and hydro-social risks in the Peruvian Andes
BG Mark, A French, M Baraer, M Carey, J Bury, KR Young, MH Polk, ...
Global and Planetary Change 159, 61-76, 2017
Federating and defending: Water, territory and extraction in the Andes
A Bebbington, DH Bebbington, J Bury
Out of the Mainstream, 325-346, 2010
Contribution of groundwater to the outflow from ungauged glacierized catchments: A multi‐site study in the tropical Cordillera Blanca, Peru
M Baraer, J McKenzie, BG Mark, R Gordon, J Bury, T Condom, J Gomez, ...
Hydrological Processes 29 (11), 2561-2581, 2015
Characterizing contributions of glacier melt and groundwater during the dry season in a poorly gauged catchment of the Cordillera Blanca (Peru)
M Baraer, JM McKenzie, BG Mark, J Bury, S Knox
Advances in Geosciences 22, 41-49, 2009
Transnational corporations and livelihood transformations in the Peruvian Andes: An actor-oriented political ecology
J Bury
Human organization 67 (3), 307-321, 2008
Exploring hydrologic connections between tropical mountain wetlands and glacier recession in Peru's Cordillera Blanca
MH Polk, KR Young, M Baraer, BG Mark, JM McKenzie, J Bury, M Carey
Applied Geography 78, 94-103, 2017
Elevated stream trace and minor element concentrations in the foreland of receding tropical glaciers
SK Fortner, BG Mark, JM McKenzie, J Bury, A Trierweiler, M Baraer, ...
Applied Geochemistry 26 (11), 1792-1801, 2011
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Articles 1–20