Andre Revil
Andre Revil
Directeur de Recherche CNRS, Laboratoire EDYTEM - UMR CNRS 5204 - Université Savoie Mont Blanc USMB
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The emergence of hydrogeophysics for improved understanding of subsurface processes over multiple scales
A Binley, SS Hubbard, JA Huisman, A Revil, DA Robinson, K Singha, ...
Water resources research 51 (6), 3837-3866, 2015
Streaming potential in porous media: 2. Theory and application to geothermal systems
A Revil, H Schwaeger, LM Cathles III, PD Manhardt
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B9), 20033-20048, 1999
Permeability of shaly sands
A Revil, LM Cathles Iii
Water resources research 35 (3), 651-662, 1999
Electrical conductivity in shaly sands with geophysical applications
A Revil, LM Cathles Iii, S Losh, JA Nunn
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B10), 23925-23936, 1998
Determination of permeability from spectral induced polarization in granular media
A Revil, N Florsch
Geophysical journal international 181 (3), 1480-1498, 2010
Nature of surface electrical conductivity in natural sands, sandstones, and clays
A Revil, PWJ Glover
Geophysical research letters 25 (5), 691-694, 1998
Spectral induced polarization of water-saturated packs of glass beads
P Leroy, A Revil, A Kemna, P Cosenza, A Gorbani
J. Colloid Interface Sci 321 (1), 103-117, 2008
Improved hydrogeophysical characterization using joint inversion of cross‐hole electrical resistance and ground‐penetrating radar traveltime data
N Linde, A Binley, A Tryggvason, LB Pedersen, A Revil
Water Resources Research 42 (12), 2006
A triple-layer model of the surface electrochemical properties of clay minerals
P Leroy, A Revil
Journal of Colloid and interface Science 270 (2), 371-380, 2004
Theory of ionic-surface electrical conduction in porous media
A Revil, PWJ Glover
Physical review B 55 (3), 1757, 1997
Effective conductivity and permittivity of unsaturated porous materials in the frequency range 1 mHz–1GHz
A Revil
Water resources research 49 (1), 306-327, 2013
Some low-frequency electrical methods for subsurface characterization and monitoring in hydrogeology
A Revil, M Karaoulis, T Johnson, A Kemna
Hydrogeology Journal 20 (4), 617, 2012
An overview of the spectral induced polarization method for near‐surface applications
A Kemna, A Binley, G Cassiani, E Niederleithinger, A Revil, L Slater, ...
Near Surface Geophysics 10 (6), 453-468, 2012
Groundwater redox conditions and conductivity in a contaminant plume from geoelectrical investigations
V Naudet, A Revil, E Rizzo, JY Bottero, P Bégassat
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 8 (1), 8-22, 2004
Constitutive equations for ionic transport in porous shales
A Revil, P Leroy
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 109 (B3), 2004
Spectral induced polarization of shaly sands: Influence of the electrical double layer
A Revil
Water Resources Research 48 (2), 2012
Electrokinetic coupling in unsaturated porous media
A Revil, N Linde, A Cerepi, D Jougnot, S Matthäi, S Finsterle
Journal of colloid and interface science 313 (1), 315-327, 2007
Ionic diffusivity, electrical conductivity, membrane and thermoelectric potentials in colloids and granular porous media: A unified model
A Revil
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 212 (2), 503-522, 1999
The self-potential method: Theory and applications in environmental geosciences
A Revil, A Jardani
Cambridge University Press, 2013
Relationship between self‐potential (SP) signals and redox conditions in contaminated groundwater
V Naudet, A Revil, JY Bottero, P Bégassat
Geophysical research letters 30 (21), 2003
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