Christian Bock
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Cited by
Early prediction of circulatory failure in the intensive care unit using machine learning
SL Hyland, M Faltys, M Hüser, X Lyu, T Gumbsch, C Esteban, C Bock, ...
Nature medicine 26 (3), 364-373, 2020
Set functions for time series
M Horn, M Moor, C Bock, B Rieck, K Borgwardt
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 4353-4363, 2020
Neural persistence: A complexity measure for deep neural networks using algebraic topology
B Rieck*, M Togninalli*, C Bock*, M Moor, M Horn, T Gumbsch, ...
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2019
A Persistent Weisfeiler-Lehman Procedure for Graph Classification
B Rieck*, C Bock*, K Borgwardt
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 5448-5458, 2019
Uncovering the topology of time-varying fmri data using cubical persistence
B Rieck*, T Yates*, C Bock, K Borgwardt, G Wolf, N Turk-Browne, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 2020
Mapping genetic variations to three-dimensional protein structures to enhance variant interpretation: a proposed framework
G Glusman, PW Rose, A Prliæ, J Dougherty, JM Duarte, AS Hoffman, ...
Genome medicine 9, 1-10, 2017
Machine Learning for Biomedical Time Series Classification: From Shapelets to Deep Learning
C Bock*, M Moor*, CR Jutzeler, K Borgwardt
Artificial Neural Networks, 33-71, 2020
Association mapping in biomedical time series via statistically significant shapelet mining
C Bock, T Gumbsch, M Moor, B Rieck, D Roqueiro, K Borgwardt
Bioinformatics 34 (13), i438-i446, 2018
Engaging older adults in the visualization of sensor data facilitated by an open platform for connected devices
C Bock, G Demiris, Y Choi, T Le, HJ Thompson, A Samuel, D Huang
Technology and Health Care 24 (4), 541-550, 2016
Biological and functional relevance of CASP predictions
T Liu, S Ish‐Shalom, W Torng, A Lafita, C Bock, M Mort, DN Cooper, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 86, 374-386, 2018
A Wasserstein Subsequence Kernel for Time Series
C Bock*, M Togninalli*, E Ghisu, T Gumbsch, B Rieck, K Borgwardt
International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2019
Path imputation strategies for signature models of irregular time series
M Moor, M Horn, C Bock, K Borgwardt, B Rieck
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.12359, 2020
Online time series anomaly detection with state space gaussian processes
C Bock, FX Aubet, J Gasthaus, A Kan, M Chen, L Callot
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.06763, 2022
Thai Le, Hilaire J Thompson, Arjmand Samuel, and Danny Huang. 2016. Engaging older adults in the visualization of sensor data facilitated by an open platform for connected devices
C Bock, G Demiris, Y Choi
Technology and Health Care 24 (4), 541-550, 2016
Enhancing statistical power in temporal biomarker discovery through representative shapelet mining
T Gumbsch, C Bock, M Moor, B Rieck, K Borgwardt
Bioinformatics 36, i840-i848, 2020
Enhancing the diagnosis of functionally relevant coronary artery disease with machine learning
C Bock, JE Walter, B Rieck, I Strebel, K Rumora, I Schaefer, MJ Zellweger, ...
Nature Communications 15 (1), 5034, 2024
Solving Interoperability in Translational Health
AM Turner, JC Facelli, M Jaspers, T Wetter, D Pfeifer, LC Gatewood, ...
Applied clinical informatics 8 (02), 651-659, 2017
Visualizing sensor data through an open platform for connected devices
C Bock, T Le, A Samuel, D Huang, HJ Thompson, G Demiris
MEDINFO 2015: eHealth-enabled Health, 964-964, 2015
Motifs and Manifolds Statistical and Topological Machine Learning for Characterising and Classifying Biomedical Time Series
C Bock
ETH Zurich, 2021
Topological Methods for fMRI Data
B Rieck*, T Yates*, C Bock, K Borgwardt, G Wolf, N Turk-Browne, ...
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Articles 1–20