Constructing participatory journalism as a scholarly object: A genealogical analysis M Borger, A Van Hoof, I Costera Meijer, J Sanders Digital journalism 1 (1), 117-134, 2013 | 245 | 2013 |
Negative news and the sleeper effect of distrust J Kleinnijenhuis, AMJ Van Hoof, D Oegema Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 11 (2), 86-104, 2006 | 215 | 2006 |
Media logic in election campaign coverage J Takens, W Van Atteveldt, A Van Hoof, J Kleinnijenhuis European Journal of Communication 28 (3), 277-293, 2013 | 139 | 2013 |
A test of rivaling approaches to explain news effects: News on issue positions of parties, real-world developments, support and criticism, and success and failure J Kleinnijenhuis, AMJ Van Hoof, D Oegema, JA De Ridder Journal of communication 57 (2), 366-384, 2007 | 137 | 2007 |
A. van Hoof en R. Vliegenthart.(2003) J Kleinnijenhuis, D Oegema, J de Ridder De Puinhopen in het nieuws. De rol van de media bij de Tweede Kamer …, 0 | 133* | |
Expecting reciprocity: Towards a model of the participants’ perspective on participatory journalism M Borger, A Van Hoof, J Sanders New media & society 18 (5), 708-725, 2016 | 116 | 2016 |
Nederland vijfstromenland: De rol van de media en stemwijzers bij de verkiezingen van 2006. J Kleinnijenhuis, O Scholten, W van Atteveldt, A van Hoof, A Krouwel, ... Bert Bakker, 2007 | 103 | 2007 |
Party leaders in the media and voting behavior: Priming rather than learning or projection J Takens, J Kleinnijenhuis, A Van Hoof, W Van Atteveldt Political Communication 32 (2), 249-267, 2015 | 92 | 2015 |
The combined effects of mass media and social media on political perceptions and preferences J Kleinnijenhuis, AMJ Van Hoof, W Van Atteveldt Journal of Communication 69 (6), 650-673, 2019 | 61 | 2019 |
Exploring participatory journalistic content: Objectivity and diversity in five examples of participatory journalism M Borger, A van Hoof, J Sanders Journalism 20 (3), 444-466, 2019 | 46 | 2019 |
Flaming and blaming: The influence of mass media content on interactions in on-line discussions D Oegema, J Kleinnijenhuis, K Anderson, AMJ Van Hoof Mediated Interpersonal Communication. Mahwah: Erlbaum, 2008 | 39 | 2008 |
Genuine effects of vote advice applications on party choice: Filtering out factors that affect both the advice obtained and the vote J Kleinnijenhuis, J van de Pol, AMJ van Hoof, APM Krouwel Party Politics 25 (3), 291-302, 2019 | 34 | 2019 |
Diverse politics, diverse news coverage? A longitudinal study of diversity in Dutch political news during two decades of election campaigns AMJ Van Hoof, C Jacobi, N Ruigrok, W Van Atteveldt European Journal of Communication 29 (6), 668-686, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
The influence of internet consultants J Kleinnijenhuis, A van Hoof Conference’Voting Advice Applications (VAAs): between charlatanism and …, 2008 | 30 | 2008 |
Old ties from a new (s) perspective: Diversity in the Dutch press coverage of the 2006 general election campaign J Takens, N Ruigrok, AMJ Van Hoof, O Scholten Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 35 (4), 417-438, 2010 | 27 | 2010 |
“It really is a Craft”: Repertoires in Journalistic Frontrunners’ Talk on Audience Participation M Borger, I Costera Meijer, A van Hoof, J Sanders Medijska istraživanja: znanstveno-stručni časopis za novinarstvo i medije 19 …, 2013 | 23 | 2013 |
Hostile media perceptions of friendly media do reinforce partisanship J Kleinnijenhuis, T Hartmann, M Tanis, AMJ van Hoof Communication research 47 (2), 276-298, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Media coverage of government policies and citizen satisfaction with information provision and policy results J Kleinnijenhuis, AMJ van Hoof Politik in der Mediendemokratie, 320-344, 2009 | 22 | 2009 |
Kranten met Karakter: identiteit van kranten vanuit kwaliteitsperpectief AMJ van Hoof | 14 | 2000 |
Publiek programmeren in een commerciële context N Adriaans, AMJ van Hoof Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap 34 (3), 257-269, 2006 | 11 | 2006 |