Mario Ruthmair
Cited by
Cited by
Optimizing charging station locations for urban taxi providers
J Asamer, M Reinthaler, M Ruthmair, M Straub, J Puchinger
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 85, 233-246, 2016
Sensitivity analysis for energy demand estimation of electric vehicles
J Asamer, A Graser, B Heilmann, M Ruthmair
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 46, 182-199, 2016
Exact methods for the traveling salesman problem with drone
R Roberti, M Ruthmair
Transportation Science 55 (2), 315-335, 2021
Overview of optimization problems in electric car-sharing system design and management
G Brandstätter, C Gambella, M Leitner, E Malaguti, F Masini, J Puchinger, ...
Dynamic Perspectives on Managerial Decision Making 22, 441-471, 2016
Modeling the first train timetabling problem with minimal missed trains and synchronization time differences in subway networks
L Kang, X Zhu, H Sun, J Puchinger, M Ruthmair, B Hu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 93, 17-36, 2016
Load-dependent and precedence-based models for pickup and delivery problems
L Gouveia, M Ruthmair
Computers & Operations Research 63, 56-71, 2015
Benders decomposition for competitive influence maximization in (social) networks
M Kahr, M Leitner, M Ruthmair, M Sinnl
Omega 100, 102264, 2021
Large-scale influence maximization via maximal covering location
E Güney, M Leitner, M Ruthmair, M Sinnl
European Journal of Operational Research 289 (1), 144-164, 2021
Layered graph approaches for combinatorial optimization problems
L Gouveia, M Leitner, M Ruthmair
Computers & Operations Research 102, 22-38, 2019
Least cost influence propagation in (social) networks
M Fischetti, M Kahr, M Leitner, M Monaci, M Ruthmair
Mathematical Programming 170 (1), 293-325, 2018
A Kruskal-based heuristic for the rooted delay-constrained minimum spanning tree problem
M Ruthmair, GR Raidl
International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory 5717, 713-720, 2009
Extended Formulations and Branch-and-Cut Algorithms for the Black-and-White Traveling Salesman Problem
L Gouveia, M Leitner, M Ruthmair
European Journal of Operational Research 262 (3), 908-928, 2017
A layered graph model and an adaptive layers framework to solve delay-constrained minimum tree problems
M Ruthmair, GR Raidl
International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial …, 2011
A variable neighborhood search approach for the interdependent lock scheduling problem
M Prandtstetter, U Ritzinger, P Schmidt, M Ruthmair
European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial …, 2015
Variable neighborhood search and ant colony optimization for the rooted delay-constrained minimum spanning tree problem
M Ruthmair, GR Raidl
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature 6239, 391-400, 2010
Exact Approaches for Network Design Problems with Relays
M Leitner, I Ljubić, M Riedler, M Ruthmair
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2018
Combining and projecting flow models for the (precedence constrained) asymmetric traveling salesman problem
L Gouveia, P Pesneau, M Ruthmair, D Santos
Networks 71 (4), 451-465, 2018
Stabilizing branch‐and‐price for constrained tree problems
M Leitner, M Ruthmair, GR Raidl
Networks 61 (2), 150-170, 2013
Applying (hybrid) metaheuristics to fuel consumption optimization of hybrid electric vehicles
T Krenek, M Ruthmair, GR Raidl, M Planer
European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation 7248 …, 2012
Arc routing with electric vehicles: dynamic charging and speed-dependent energy consumption
E Fernández, M Leitner, I Ljubić, M Ruthmair
Transportation Science 56 (5), 1219-1237, 2022
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Articles 1–20