Vincenzo Lottici
Vincenzo Lottici
Associate Professor, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
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Channel estimation for ultra-wideband communications
V Lottici, A D'Andrea, U Mengali
IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 20 (9), 1638-1645, 2002
RF power amplifier linearization through amplitude and phase predistortion
AN D'Andrea, V Lottici, R Reggiannini
IEEE Transactions on communications 44 (11), 1477-1484, 1996
Turbo synchronization: an EM algorithm interpretation
N Noels, C Herzet, A Dejonghe, V Lottici, H Steendam, M Moeneclaey, ...
IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2003. ICC'03. 4, 2933-2937, 2003
Embedding carrier phase recovery into iterative decoding of turbo-coded linear modulations
V Lottici, M Luise
IEEE Transactions on Communications 52 (4), 661-669, 2004
A theoretical framework for soft-information-based synchronization in iterative (turbo) receivers
N Noels, V Lottici, A Dejonghe, H Steendam, M Moeneclaey, M Luise, ...
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2005, 1-13, 2005
Code-aided turbo synchronization
C Herzet, N Noels, V Lottici, H Wymeersch, M Luise, M Moeneclaey, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 95 (6), 1255-1271, 2007
Nonlinear predistortion of OFDM signals over frequency-selective fading channels
AN D'Andrea, V Lottici, R Reggiannini
IEEE transactions on Communications 49 (5), 837-843, 2001
Carrier phase recovery for turbo-coded linear modulations
V Lottici, M Luise
2002 IEEE International Conference on Communications. Conference Proceedings …, 2002
Multiple symbol differential detection for UWB communications
V Lottici, Z Tian
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7 (5), 1656-1666, 2008
Adaptive pre-and post-compensation of nonlinear distortions for high-level data modulations
L Giugno, M Luise, V Lottici
IEEE Transactions on wireless communications 3 (5), 1490-1495, 2004
Detection of sparse signals under finite-alphabet constraints
Z Tian, G Leus, V Lottici
2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2009
TEDS: A high speed digital mobile communication air interface for professional users
M Nouri, V Lottici, R Reggiannini, D Ball, M Rayne
IEEE vehicular technology magazine 1 (4), 32-42, 2006
Joint dynamic resource allocation and waveform adaptation for cognitive networks
Z Tian, G Leus, V Lottici
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 29 (2), 443-454, 2011
Link resource adaptation for multiantenna bit-interleaved coded multicarrier systems
I Stupia, V Lottici, F Giannetti, L Vandendorpe
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (7), 3644-3656, 2012
Low-complexity ML timing acquisition for UWB communications in dense multipath channels
Z Tian, V Lottici
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4 (6), 3031-3038, 2005
Efficient timing acquisition in dense multipath for UWB communications
Z Tian, V Lottici
2003 IEEE 58th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC 2003-Fall (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Efficient digital predistortion in radio delay links with nonlinear power amplifiers
AN D'Andrea, V Lottici, R Reggiannini
IEE Proceedings-Communications 147 (3), 175-179, 2000
Pilot-aided carrier frequency estimation for filter-bank multicarrier wireless communications on doubly-selective channels
V Lottici, R Reggiannini, M Carta
IEEE transactions on signal processing 58 (5), 2783-2794, 2010
Code-aware carrier phase noise compensation on turbo-coded spectrally-efficient high-order modulations
L Benvenuti, L Giugno, V Lottici, M Luise
8-th Intern. Work. on Signal Processing for Space Commun, 177-184, 2003
Non-data-aided timing recovery for filter-bank multicarrier wireless communications
V Lottici, M Luise, C Saccomando, F Spalla
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54 (11), 4365-4375, 2006
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Articles 1–20