Donato Passarelli
Donato Passarelli
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SSR1 cryomodule design for PXIE
TH Nicol
Fermi National Accelerator Lab.(FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States), 2009
Design of SSR1 spoke resonators for PXIE
L Ristori, M Awida, I Gonin, M Merio, D Passarelli, V Yakovlev
WEPPC057, this conference, 2012
Development of Low Single-Spoke Resonators for the Front End of the Proton Improvement Plan-II at Fermilab
MH Awida, D Passarelli, P Berrutti, I Gonin, S Kazakov, T Khabiboulline, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 64 (9), 2450-2464, 2017
Design update of the SSR1 cryomodule for PIP-II project
V Roger, S Cheban, T Nicol, Y Orlov, D Passarelli, P Vecchiolla
Fermi National Accelerator Lab.(FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States), 2018
Development and performance of 325 MHz Single Spoke Resonators for project X
L Ristori
Fermi National Accelerator Lab.(FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States), 2013
Mechanical design and fabrication aspects of prototype SSR2 jacketed cavities
M Parise, P Duchesne, D Longuevergne, D Passarelli, D Reynet, F Ruiu
Fermi National Accelerator Lab.(FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States), 2019
Test Results of the prototype SSR1 cryomodule for PIP-II at Fermilab
D Passarelli, J Bernardini, C Boffo, C Contreras-Martinez, B Hanna, ...
Fermi National Accelerator Lab.(FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States), 2021
PIII Project Overview and Status
R Stanek, C Boffo, S Chandrasekaran, S Dixon, E Harms, L Kokoska, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.05456, 2023
Proton improvement plan–II: Overview of progress in the construction
A Klebaner, C Boffo, SK Chandrasekaran, D Passarelli, G Wu
JACoW, 2022
A multilevel finite element-multibody approach to design the suspension system for the road transportation of SSR1 cryomodule
P Neri, F Bucchi, D Passarelli
Transportation Engineering 2, 100017, 2020
SSR1 tuner mechanism: passive and active device
D Passarelli, L Ristori
Proceedings of LINAC 14, 2014
New Design of SSR2 Spoke Cavity for PIP II SRF Linac
P Berrutti, I Gonin, TN Khabiboulline, M Parise, D Passarelli, G Romanov, ...
Fermi National Accelerator Lab.(FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States), 2019
Pressure sensitivity characterization of superconducting spoke cavities
D Passarelli, MH Awida, IV Gonin, L Ristori, V Yakovlev, L Dottorato
IPAC12, New Orleans, 2012
Beam Commissioning and Integrated Test of the PIP-II Injector Test Facility
E Pozdeyev
JACoW, 2022
Methodology for the structural design of single spoke accelerating cavities at Fermilab
D Passarelli, RH Wands, M Merio, L Ristori
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2016
Result of cold tests of the Fermilab SSR1 cavities
A Sukhanov, M Awida, P Berrutti, E Cullerton, B Hanna, A Hocker, ...
Proc. LINAC, 975-981, 2014
Final design of the pre-production SSR2 cryomodule for PIP-II project at Fermilab
J Bernardini, D Passarelli, V Roger, M Parise, J Helsper, GV Romanov, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.01282, 2022
Multiphysics analysis of frequency detuning in superconducting RF cavities for proton particle accelerators
MH Awida, I Gonin, D Passarelli, A Sukanov, T Khabiboulline, V Yakovlev
2015 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and …, 2015
Fabrication and Testing of SSR1 Resonators for PXIE
L Ristori, MH Awida, P Berrutti, TN Khabiboulline, M Merio, D Passerelli, ...
Fermi National Accelerator Lab.(FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States), 2013
Standardization and First Lessons Learned of the Prototype HB650 Cryomodule for PIP-II at Fermilab
V Roger, N Bazin, J Bernardini, SK Chandrasekaran, R Cubizolles, ...
JACoW, 2022
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Articles 1–20