Junior Darsan
Cited by
Cited by
Potential oil spill risk from shipping and the implications for management in the Caribbean Sea
A Singh, H Asmath, CL Chee, J Darsan
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015
Sustainable coastal ecosystem management – an evolving paradigm.
S Ali, J Darsan, A Singh, M Wilson
Ocean & Coastal Management 163, 173-184, 2018
Flood-risk mapping for storm surge and tsunami at Cocos Bay (Manzanilla), Trinidad
J Darsan, H Asmath, A Jehu
Journal of coastal conservation 17 (3), 679-689, 2013
Beach morphological dynamics at Cocos bay (Manzanilla), Trinidad
J Darsan
Atlantic Geology 49, 151-168, 2013
A Comparative Study of the Coastal Geomorphology of Cocos Bay (Manzanilla) and Las Cuevas Bay, Along the Eastern and North-Western Coasts of Trinidad.
J Darsan
Caribbean Geography 14 (2), 116-132, 2005
Soil slaking sensitivity as influenced by soil properties in alluvial and residual humid tropical soils
R Francis, MN Wuddivira, J Darsan, M Wilson
Journal of Soils and Sediments 19, 1937-1947, 2019
The influence of fluvial dynamics and North Atlantic swells on the beach habitat of leatherback turtles at Grande Riviere Trinidad
J Darsan, A Jehu, H Asmath, A Singh, M Wilson
Journal of Environmental Management 180, 111-122, 2016
Status of Beaches and Bays in Trinidad (2004-2008).
J Darsan, S Ramnath, C Alexis
Technical Report, Institute of Marine Affairs, 2012
The influence of tidal state on coastal erosion in a tropical micro-tidal environment - A case study of Columbus Bay, Trinidad.
CL Chee, A Singh, R Persad, J Darsan
Global Journal of Science Frontier Research 14 (2), 15-30, 2014
The Impact of Makeshift Sandbag Groynes on Coastal Geomorphology: A Case Study at Columbus Bay, Trinidad
J Darsan, C Alexis
Environment and Natural Resources Research 4 (1), 96-116, 2014
Cusp morphodynamics in a micro-tidal exposed beach
S Ali, J Darsan, M Wilson
Journal of Coastal Conservation 21, 777-788, 2017
Beach State Classification; The Dissipative Domain of Cocos Bay, (Manzanilla), Trinidad.
J Darsan
Caribbean Journal of Earth Science 46, 1-11, 2013
An assessment of the impact of 1.5 versus 2 and 2.5 C global temperature increase on flooding in Jamaica: A case study from the Hope watershed
A Mandal, T Stephenson, J Campbell, M Taylor, S Watson, L Clarke, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 380 (2221), 20210141, 2022
Coastal Conservation Project: Status of Beaches and Bays in Trinidad (2004-2008)
J Darsan, S Ramnath, C Alexis
Institute of Marine Affairs, 2012
The influence of coastal geomorphology and human activity on plastic debris distribution on a micro-tidal recreational beach on the north coast of Trinidad
R Seemungal, J Darsan, M Wilson
Journal of Coastal Conservation 26 (3), 19, 2022
Digital Mapping of the Coastline Evolution of Cocos Bay (Manzanilla), Trinidad
J Darsan
Caribbean Journal of Science. 48 (2-3), 103-116, 2014
Coastal Conservation Project: Status of Beaches and Bays in Tobago (2004-2008)
J Darsan, C Alexis, J Barton
Institute of Marine Affairs, 2013
A geomorphological analysis of the Piparo and Digity mud volcanoes in south Trinidad
Caribb. J. Earth Sci. 49, 23-34, 2019
An Examination of the Offshore Bathymetry and Sedimentology of Cocos Bay, Trinidad.
J Darsan
Caribbean Geography 17 (2), 92-108, 2012
Investigating coastal geomorphological response to the passage of Hurricane Dean 2007 in the Southern Caribbean: Cocos Bay, Trinidad.
J Darsan
Earth Science Research 5 (1), 108-128, 2016
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Articles 1–20