Iulia Lefter
The INTERSPEECH 2021 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge: COVID-19 Cough, COVID-19 Speech, Escalation & Primates
Proceedings INTERSPEECH 2021, 22nd Annual Conference of the International …, 2021
Automatic stress detection in emergency (telephone) calls
I Lefter, LJM Rothkrantz, DA Van Leeuwen, P Wiggers
International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems 4 (2), 148-168, 2011
Recognizing stress using semantics and modulation of speech and gestures.
I Lefter, G Burghouts, L Rothkrantz
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2015
Emotion recognition from speech by combining databases and fusion of classifiers
I Lefter, LJM Rothkrantz, P Wiggers, DA Van Leeuwen
International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, 353-360, 2010
A Comparative Study on Automatic Audio-Visual Fusion for Aggression Detection Using Meta-Information
I Lefter, LJM Rothkrantz, GJ Burghouts
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2013
An audio-visual dataset of human–human interactions in stressful situations
I Lefter, GJ Burghouts, LJM Rothkrantz
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 8, 29-41, 2014
Muse 2020 challenge and workshop: Multimodal sentiment analysis, emotion-target engagement and trustworthiness detection in real-life media: Emotional car reviews in-the-wild
L Stappen, A Baird, G Rizos, P Tzirakis, X Du, F Hafner, L Schumann, ...
Proceedings of the 1st International on Multimodal Sentiment Analysis in …, 2020
Automatic emotion analysis based on speech
I Chiriacescu
Spatial factors influencing building age prediction and implications for urban residential energy modelling
OM Garbasevschi, JE Schmiedt, T Verma, I Lefter, WKK Altes, A Droin, ...
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 88, 101637, 2021
Re-framing engagement for applied games: A conceptual framework
I Kniestedt, I Lefter, S Lukosch, FM Brazier
Entertainment Computing 41, 100475, 2022
Automatic audio-visual fusion for aggression detection using meta-information
I Lefter, GJ Burghouts, LJM Rothkrantz
2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based …, 2012
NAA: A multimodal database of negative affect and aggression
I Lefter, CM Jonker, SK Tuente, W Veling, S Bogaerts
2017 Seventh International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent …, 2017
Cross-corpus analysis for acoustic recognition of negative interactions
I Lefter, HT Nefs, CM Jonker, LJM Rothkrantz
International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction …, 2015
Aggression detection in speech using sensor and semantic information
I Lefter, LJM Rothkrantz, GJ Burghouts
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 15th International Conference, TSD 2012, Brno …, 2012
Aggression recognition using overlapping speech
I Lefter, CM Jonker
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, 2017
Learning the fusion of audio and video aggression assessment by meta-information from human annotations
I Lefter, GJ Burghouts, LJM Rothkrantz
2012 15th International Conference on Information Fusion, 1527-1533, 2012
Addressing multimodality in overt aggression detection
I Lefter, LJM Rothkrantz, G Burghouts, Z Yang, P Wiggers
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 14th International Conference, TSD 2011, Pilsen …, 2011
Intelligent Multi-Camera Video Surveillance
P Hameete, S Leysen, T van der Laan, I Lefter, L Rothkrantz
International Journal on Information Technologies and Security (IJITS) 4 (4 …, 2012
Summary of muse 2020: Multimodal sentiment analysis, emotion-target engagement and trustworthiness detection in real-life media
L Stappen, B Schuller, I Lefter, E Cambria, I Kompatsiaris
Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on multimedia, 4769-4770, 2020
Assessment of the emotional state during e-learning
LJM Rothkrantz, D Datcu, I Lefter, AG Chitu
International Conference on e-Learning and the Knowledge Society-e-Learning …, 2009
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Články 1–20