Eleanor A Howe
Eleanor A Howe
Diamond Age Data Science
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[9] TM4 microarray software suite
AI Saeed, NK Bhagabati, JC Braisted, W Liang, V Sharov, EA Howe, J Li, ...
Methods in enzymology 411, 134-193, 2006
RNA-Seq analysis in MeV
EA Howe, R Sinha, D Schlauch, J Quackenbush
Bioinformatics 27 (22), 3209-3210, 2011
Mev: multiexperiment viewer
E Howe, K Holton, S Nair, D Schlauch, R Sinha, J Quackenbush
Biomedical informatics for cancer research, 267-277, 2010
Biomedical informatics for cancer research
E Howe, K Holton, S Nair, D Schlauch, R Sinha, J Quackenbush, MF Ochs, ...
Biomedical Informatics for Cancer Research. Boston, MA: Springer US, 267-277, 2010
An Unbiased Approach To Identify Endogenous Substrates of "Histone" Deacetylase 8.
HEB Olson DE1, Udeshi ND, Wolfson NA, Pitcairn CA, Sullivan ED, Jaffe JD ...
ACS Chemical Biology, 2014
MicroRNA paraffin-based studies in osteosarcoma reveal reproducible independent prognostic profiles at 14q32
AD Kelly, B Haibe-Kains, KA Janeway, KE Hill, E Howe, J Goldsmith, ...
Genome medicine 5, 1-12, 2013
Functional classification analysis of somatically mutated genes in human breast and colorectal cancers
TW Chittenden, EA Howe, AC Culhane, R Sultana, JM Taylor, C Holmes, ...
Genomics 91 (6), 508-511, 2008
iBBiG: iterative binary bi-clustering of gene sets
D Gusenleitner, EA Howe, S Bentink, J Quackenbush, AC Culhane
Bioinformatics 28 (19), 2484-2492, 2012
Differential processing of neuropeptides influences Drosophila heart rate
R Nichols, J McCormick, M Cohen, E Howe, C Jean, K Paisley, C Rosario
Journal of neurogenetics 13 (1-2), 89-104, 1999
Physiogenomic resources for rat models of heart, lung and blood disorders
RL Malek, H Wang, AE Kwitek, AS Greene, N Bhagabati, G Borchardt, ...
Nature genetics 38 (2), 234-239, 2006
Therapeutic implications of GIPC1 silencing in cancer
TW Chittenden, J Pak, R Rubio, H Cheng, K Holton, N Prendergast, ...
PloS one 5 (12), e15581, 2010
MeSHer: identifying biological concepts in microarray assays based on PubMed references and MeSH terms
A Djebbari, S Karamycheva, E Howe, J Quackenbush
Bioinformatics 21 (15), 3324-3326, 2005
BioAssay Research Database (BARD): chemical biology and probe-development enabled by structured metadata and result types.
Nucleic Acids Res. 43 (Database Issue), D1163-70, 2015
nEASE: a method for gene ontology subclassification of high-throughput gene expression data
TW Chittenden, EA Howe, JM Taylor, JC Mar, MJ Aryee, H Gómez, ...
Bioinformatics 28 (5), 726-728, 2012
Novel tricyclic glycal-based TRIB1 inducers that reprogram LDL metabolism in hepatic cells
MM Nagiec, JR Duvall, AP Skepner, EA Howe, J Bastien, E Comer, ...
MedChemComm 9 (11), 1831-1842, 2018
MicroRNA expression and activity in high-grade serous ovarian cancer
EA Howe
University of Oxford, 2012
Abstract# 1441: Molecular classification of serous ovarian cancer subtypes
J Quackenbush, JB Fan, M Hirsch, J Mar, E Howe, K Holton, R Rubio, ...
Cancer Research 69 (9_Supplement), 1441-1441, 2009
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