Seth Schwartz
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Rethinking the concept of acculturation: implications for theory and research.
SJ Schwartz, JB Unger, BL Zamboanga, J Szapocznik
American psychologist 65 (4), 237, 2010
Identity and agency in emerging adulthood: Two developmental routes in the individualization process
SJ Schwartz, JE Côté, JJ Arnett
Youth & society 37 (2), 201-229, 2005
Capturing ruminative exploration: Extending the four-dimensional model of identity formation in late adolescence
K Luyckx, SJ Schwartz, MD Berzonsky, B Soenens, M Vansteenkiste, ...
Journal of research in personality 42 (1), 58-82, 2008
Ethnic and racial identity during adolescence and into young adulthood: An integrated conceptualization
AJ Umaña‐Taylor, SM Quintana, RM Lee, WE Cross Jr, D Rivas‐Drake, ...
Child development 85 (1), 21-39, 2014
The evolution of Eriksonian and, neo-Eriksonian identity theory and research: A review and integration
SJ Schwartz
Identity: an international journal of theory and research 1 (1), 7-58, 2001
The implications of two conceptions of happiness (hedonic enjoyment and eudaimonia) for the understanding of intrinsic motivation
AS Waterman, SJ Schwartz, R Conti
Journal of happiness studies 9, 41-79, 2008
The Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Well-Being: Psychometric properties, demographic comparisons, and evidence of validity
AS Waterman, SJ Schwartz, BL Zamboanga, RD Ravert, MK Williams, ...
The journal of positive psychology 5 (1), 41-61, 2010
The role of identity in acculturation among immigrant people: Theoretical propositions, empirical questions, and applied recommendations
SJ Schwartz, MJ Montgomery, E Briones
Human development 49 (1), 1-30, 2006
Ethnic and racial identity in adolescence: Implications for psychosocial, academic, and health outcomes
D Rivas‐Drake, EK Seaton, C Markstrom, S Quintana, M Syed, RM Lee, ...
Child development 85 (1), 40-57, 2014
Handbook of identity theory and research
SJ Schwartz, K Luyckx, VL Vignoles
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Ethnic and Racial Identity in the 21st Century Study Group.(2014). Ethnic and racial identity during adolescence and into young adulthood: An integrated conceptualization
AJ Umaña‐Taylor, SM Quintana, RM Lee, WE Cross, D Rivas‐Drake, ...
Child development 85 (1), 21-39, 0
Testing Berry's model of acculturation: a confirmatory latent class approach.
SJ Schwartz, BL Zamboanga
Cultural diversity and ethnic minority psychology 14 (4), 275, 2008
Identity in emerging adulthood: Reviewing the field and looking forward
SJ Schwartz, BL Zamboanga, K Luyckx, A Meca, RA Ritchie
Emerging adulthood 1 (2), 96-113, 2013
Beyond the ‘east–west’dichotomy: Global variation in cultural models of selfhood.
VL Vignoles, E Owe, M Becker, PB Smith, MJ Easterbrook, R Brown, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (8), 966, 2016
Comparing psychological and sociological approaches to identity: Identity status, identity capital, and the individualization process
JE Côté, SJ Schwartz
Journal of adolescence 25 (6), 571-586, 2002
Examining the light and dark sides of emerging adults’ identity: A study of identity status differences in positive and negative psychosocial functioning
SJ Schwartz, W Beyers, K Luyckx, B Soenens, BL Zamboanga, ...
Journal of youth and adolescence 40, 839-859, 2011
On the progression and stability of adolescent identity formation: A five‐wave longitudinal study in early‐to‐middle and middle‐to‐late adolescence
W Meeus, R Van De Schoot, L Keijsers, SJ Schwartz, S Branje
Child development 81 (5), 1565-1581, 2010
Efficacy of brief strategic family therapy in modifying Hispanic adolescent behavior problems and substance use.
DA Santisteban, JD Coatsworth, A Perez-Vidal, WM Kurtines, SJ Schwartz, ...
Journal of Family Psychology 17 (1), 121, 2003
Ethnic identity and acculturation in Hispanic early adolescents: mediated relationships to academic grades, prosocial behaviors, and externalizing symptoms.
SJ Schwartz, BL Zamboanga, LH Jarvis
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 13 (4), 364, 2007
Feeling good, happy, and proud: A meta‐analysis of positive ethnic–racial affect and adjustment
D Rivas‐Drake, M Syed, A Umaña‐Taylor, C Markstrom, S French, ...
Child development 85 (1), 77-102, 2014
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