Jonas Dovern
Cited by
Cited by
Disagreement among forecasters in G7 countries
J Dovern, U Fritsche, J Slacalek
Review of Economics and Statistics 94 (4), 1081-1096, 2012
Accuracy, unbiasedness and efficiency of professional macroeconomic forecasts: An empirical comparison for the G7
J Dovern, J Weisser
International Journal of Forecasting 27 (2), 452-465, 2011
International transmission and business-cycle effects of financial stress
J Dovern, B van Roye
Journal of Financial Stability 13, 1-17, 2014
Information rigidities: Comparing average and individual forecasts for a large international panel
J Dovern, U Fritsche, P Loungani, N Tamirisa
International Journal of Forecasting 31 (1), 144-154, 2015
Large-scale intentional interventions into the climate system
W Rickels, G Klepper, J Dovern, G Betz, N Brachatzek, S Cacean, ...
Assessing the climate engineering debate. Scoping report conducted on behalf …, 2011
The dynamics of european inflation expectations
J Döpke, J Dovern, U Fritsche, J Slacalek
The BE Journal of Macroeconomics 8 (1), 2008
Indicators for monitoring sustainable development goals: An application to oceanic development in the European Union
W Rickels, J Dovern, J Hoffmann, MF Quaas, JO Schmidt, M Visbeck
Earth's Future 4 (5), 252-267, 2016
Firm-level Expectations and Behavior in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis
L Buchheim, J Dovern, C Krolage, S Link
CESifo Working Paper, 2020
A multivariate analysis of forecast disagreement: Confronting models of disagreement with survey data
J Dovern
European Economic Review 80, 16-35, 2015
Aid and growth accelerations: An alternative approach to assessing the effectiveness of aid
J Dovern, P Nunnenkamp
Kyklos 60 (3), 359-383, 2007
Systematic errors in growth expectations over the business cycle
J Dovern, N Jannsen
International Journal of Forecasting 33 (4), 760-769, 2017
Sticky information Phillips curves: European evidence
J Döpke, J Dovern, U Fritsche, J Slacalek
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 40 (7), 1513-1520, 2008
How resilient is the German banking system to macroeconomic shocks?
J Dovern, CP Meier, J Vilsmeier
Journal of Banking & Finance 34 (8), 1839-1848, 2010
Sentiment and Firm Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic
L Buchheim, J Dovern, C Krolage, S Link
Large-scale intentional interventions into the climate system? Assessing the climate engineering debate
W Rickels, G Klepper, J Dovern, G Betz, N Brachatzek, S Cacean, ...
Scoping Report Conducted on Behalf of the German Federal Ministry of …, 2011
Gezielte eingriffe in das klima
W Rickels, G Klepper, J Dovern, G Betz, N Brachatzek, S Cacean, ...
Eine Bestandsaufnahme der Debatte zu Climate Engineering. Sondierungsstudie …, 2011
Does joint modelling of the world economy pay off? Evaluating global forecasts from a Bayesian GVAR
J Dovern, M Feldkircher, F Huber
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 70, 86-100, 2016
Anchoring inflation expectations in unconventional times: Micro evidence for the euro area
J Dovern, G Kenny
International Journal of Central Banking 16 (5), 309-347, 2020
Verbessertes Arbeitsmarktumfeld stärkt Wachstum des Produktionspotentials in Deutschland
A Boss, J Dovern, CP Meier, F Oskamp, J Scheide
Kieler Diskussionsbeiträge, 2007
When are GDP forecasts updated? Evidence from a large international panel
J Dovern
Economics Letters 120 (3), 521-524, 2013
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Articles 1–20