Katharina Aubele
Katharina Aubele
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A paleomagnetic study of Permian and Triassic rocks from the Toulon‐Cuers Basin, SE France: Evidence for intra‐Pangea block rotations in the Permian
K Aubele, V Bachtadse, G Muttoni, A Ronchi, M Durand
Tectonics 31 (3), 2012
Paleomagnetic data from Late Paleozoic dykes of Sardinia: Evidence for block rotations and implications for the intra‐Pangea megashear system
K Aubele, V Bachtadse, G Muttoni, A Ronchi
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 15 (5), 1684-1697, 2014
New early Permian paleopoles from Sardinia confirm intra-Pangea mobility
V Bachtadse, K Aubele, G Muttoni, A Ronchi, U Kirscher, DV Kent
Tectonophysics 749, 21-34, 2018
Paleomagnetism of Jurassic carbonate rocks from Sardinia: No indication of post‐Jurassic internal block rotations
U Kirscher, K Aubele, G Muttoni, A Ronchi, V Bachtadse
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 116 (B12), 2011
Paleogeographic reconstructions in the Mediterranean-A paleomagnetic study of Jurassic sediments from Sardinia
K Aubele, V Bachtadse, G Muttoni
AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 2009, GP11F-02, 2009
New paleomagnetic data from Jurassic Sediments from Sardinia
U Kirscher, V Bachtadse, G Muttoni, K Aubele
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2009, GP11A-0756, 2009
Paleogeographic reconstructions in the western mediterranean and implications for permian pangea configurations
K Aubele
lmu, 2015
Paleomagnetic evidence for Permian intra-Pangea block rotations.
K Aubele, V Bachtadse, G Muttoni, LA Ronchi
Abstract volume, 2013
European Sedimentary Basins: Deciphering Palaeozoic intra-Pangea Wrench Faulting
K Aubele, V Bachtadse, G Muttoni, A Ronchi, M Durand
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9000, 2012
A Paleomagnetic study of Permian and Triassic Rocks from the Toulon-Cuers Basin, Se France.
K Aubele, U Kirscher, V Bachtadse, M Durand, LA Ronchi
Fragile Earth, International Conference, 2011
A Paleomagnetic Study of Permian and Triassic
K Aubele, V Bachtadse, G Muttoni, A Ronchi, M Durand
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Articles 1–11