Leomar Acosta
Cited by
Cited by
In utero endoscopic treatment of posterior urethral valves: preliminary experience
RA Quintero, MP Johnson, H Munoz, R Gonzalez, L Acosta, ...
Early signs of immunodepression induced by arsenic in children
L Vega, G Soto, A Luna, L Acosta, P Conde, M Cebrian, E Calderón, ...
Natural Arsenic in Groundwaters of Latin America 1, 435, 2009
Fractal analysis of the complexity of Panama City coastlines, Central America
A Mojica, CA Ho, M González, L Acosta
Revista Geográfica, 33-45, 2011
Prospección geofísica aplicada a la arqueologia: La importancia de los procesos de modelización y simulación numérica
A Mojica, L Acosta
Canto Rodado: Revista especializada en patrimonio, 17-28, 2008
Geophysical investigations in the old Panama archaeological site
A Mojica, L Acosta, R Guérin, CA Ho, O Caballero
Natural hazard and vulnerability in Cumana, Venezuela
J Grases, A Malaver, L Montes, M Gonzalez, C Herrera, L Acosta, M Lugo, ...
Boletín Técnico 42 (3), 57-80, 2004
Application of a Sequential Methodology for the Digital Processing of Rock Art Images in the Isthmus of Panama
A Mojica, R Villarreal, T Mendizábal, L Acosta, CA Ho
Caribbean Journal of Science 52 (2), 227-237, 2022
Long-Term Monitoring of Moisture Changes in Sedimentary Soil of the Panama Through Noninvasive Time-Lapse ERT Methodology
A Mojica, A Fossatti, P Montero, L Acosta, M Gómez, CA Ho, C Condori, ...
2022 8th International Engineering, Sciences and Technology Conference …, 2022
Characteristic of statistical self-similarity and fractal dimension of the northern coast of Panama
A Mojica A, L Acosta B
Revista Geográfica, 101-107, 2005
La porosidad de las rocas y su naturaleza fractal
A Mojica, L Acosta
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Articles 1–10