Patrick J. Rosopa
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The relative validity of inferences about mediation as a function of research design characteristics
EF Stone-Romero, PJ Rosopa
Organizational Research Methods 11 (2), 326-352, 2008
Statistical reasoning in the behavioral sciences
BM King, PJ Rosopa, EW Minium
John Wiley & Sons, 2018
Managing heteroscedasticity in general linear models.
PJ Rosopa, MM Schaffer, AN Schroeder
Psychological methods 18 (3), 335, 2013
A comparison of face-to-face and electronic peer-mentoring: Interactions with mentor gender
KA Smith-Jentsch, SA Scielzo, CS Yarbrough, PJ Rosopa
Journal of Vocational Behavior 72 (2), 193-206, 2008
Inference problems with hierarchical multiple regression-based tests of mediating effects
EF Stone-Romero, PJ Rosopa
Research in personnel and human resources management 23, 249-290, 2004
Experimental tests of mediation models: Prospects, problems, and some solutions
EF Stone-Romero, PJ Rosopa
Organizational Research Methods 14 (4), 631-646, 2011
The advantages and limitations of using meta-analysis in human resource management research
DL Stone, PJ Rosopa
Human Resource Management Review 27 (1), 1-7, 2017
Job demands and resources among healthcare professionals during virus pandemics: A review and examination of fluctuations in mental health strain during COVID‐19
TW Britt, ML Shuffler, RL Pegram, P Xoxakos, PJ Rosopa, E Hirsh, ...
Applied Psychology 70 (1), 120-149, 2021
Problems with detecting assumed mediation using the hierarchical multiple regression strategy
PJ Rosopa, EF Stone-Romero
Human Resource Management Review 18 (4), 294-310, 2008
Research design options for testing mediation models and their implications for facets of validity
EF Stone‐Romero, PJ Rosopa
Journal of Managerial Psychology 25 (7), 697-712, 2010
Virtual reality and cognitive-behavioral therapy for driving anxiety and aggression in veterans: a pilot study
HM Zinzow, JO Brooks, PJ Rosopa, S Jeffirs, C Jenkins, J Seeanner, ...
Cognitive and behavioral practice 25 (2), 296-309, 2018
Core self-evaluations interact with cognitive ability to predict academic achievement
PJ Rosopa, AN Schroeder
Personality and Individual Differences 47 (8), 1003-1006, 2009
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia as a measure of cognitive workload
ER Muth, JD Moss, PJ Rosopa, JN Salley, AD Walker
International Journal of Psychophysiology 83 (1), 96-101, 2012
Helping yourself by helping others: Examining personality perceptions
PJ Rosopa, AN Schroeder, AL Hulett
Journal of Managerial Psychology 28 (2), 147-163, 2013
Drivers' judgments of the effect of headlight glare on their ability to see pedestrians at night
SAW Borzendowski, AAS Sewall, PJ Rosopa, RA Tyrrell
Journal of safety research 53, 31-37, 2015
Predicting team performance in a dynamic environment: A team psychophysiological approach to measuring cognitive readiness
AD Walker, ER Muth, FS Switzer III, PJ Rosopa
Journal of cognitive engineering and decision making 7 (1), 69-82, 2013
Workplace romances: Examining attitudes experience, conscientiousness, and policies
JL Doll, PJ Rosopa
Journal of Managerial Psychology 30 (4), 439-453, 2015
Examining the impact of varying levels of AI teammate influence on human-AI teams
C Flathmann, BG Schelble, PJ Rosopa, NJ McNeese, R Mallick, ...
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 177, 103061, 2023
Evaluation of four steering wheels to determine driver hand placement in a static environment
ME Mossey, Y Xi, SK McConomy, JO Brooks, PJ Rosopa, PJ Venhovens
Applied ergonomics 45 (4), 1187-1195, 2014
Savouring as a moderator of the combat exposure–mental health symptoms relationship
AI Sytine, TW Britt, CLS Pury, PJ Rosopa
Stress and Health 34 (4), 582-588, 2018
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Articles 1–20