Blaheta Radim
Blaheta Radim
Institute of Geonics AS CR
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Displacement decomposition—incomplete factorization preconditioning techniques for linear elasticity problems
R Blaheta
Numerical linear algebra with applications 1 (2), 107-128, 1994
Preconditioning of boundary value problems using elementwise Schur complements
O Axelsson, R Blaheta, M Neytcheva
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 31 (2), 767-789, 2009
Two simple derivations of universal bounds for the CBS inequality constant
O Axelsson, R Blaheta
Applications of Mathematics 49, 57-72, 2004
Convergence of Newton-type methods in incremental return mapping analysis of elasto-plastic problems
R Blaheta
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 147 (1-2), 167-185, 1997
Uniform estimate of the constant in the strengthened CBS inequality for anisotropic non‐conforming FEM systems
R Blaheta, S Margenov, M Neytcheva
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 11 (4), 309-326, 2004
Stable discretization of poroelasticity problems and efficient preconditioners for arising saddle point type matrices
O Axelsson, R Blaheta, P Byczanski
Computing and Visualization in Science 15, 191-207, 2012
Robust optimal multilevel preconditioners for non‐conforming finite element systems
R Blaheta, S Margenov, M Neytcheva
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 12 (5‐6), 495-514, 2005
GPCG–generalized preconditioned CG method and its use with non‐linear and non‐symmetric displacement decomposition preconditioners
R Blaheta
Numerical linear algebra with applications 9 (6‐7), 527-550, 2002
Preconditioning of matrices partitioned in 2× 2 block form: eigenvalue estimates and Schwarz DD for mixed FEM
O Axelsson, R Blaheta
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 17 (5), 787-810, 2010
A multilevel method with overcorrection by aggregation for solving discrete elliptic problems
R Blaheta
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 24 (1-2), 227-239, 1988
HM and THM interactions in bentonite engineered barriers for nuclear waste disposal
A Gens, J Alcoverro, R Blaheta, M Hasal, Z Michalec, Y Takayama, C Lee, ...
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 137, 104572, 2021
Numerical methods in elasto-plasticity
R Blaheta
Peres, 1999
Subdifferential‐based implicit return‐mapping operators in computational plasticity
S Sysala, M Cermak, T Koudelka, J Kruis, J Zeman, R Blaheta
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2016
Digital image based numerical micromechanics of geocomposites with application to chemical grouting
R Blaheta, R Kohut, A Kolcun, K Souček, L Staš, L Vavro
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 77, 77-88, 2015
Gem–a platform for advanced mathematical geosimulations
R Blaheta, O Jakl, R Kohut, J Starý
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 8th International Conference …, 2010
Space decomposition preconditioners and parallel solvers
R Blaheta
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications: Proceedings of ENUMATH 2003 …, 2004
Large scale parallel FEM computations of far/near stress field changes in rocks
R Blaheta, P Byczanski, O Jakl, R Kohut, A Kolcun, K Krečmer, J Starý
Future Generation Computer Systems 22 (4), 449-459, 2006
Preconditioning methods for high‐order strongly stable time integration methods with an application for a DAE problem
O Axelsson, R Blaheta, R Kohut
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 22 (6), 930-949, 2015
Algebraic multilevel methods with aggregations: an overview
R Blaheta
International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computing, 3-14, 2005
Nested tetrahedral grids and strengthened CBS inequality
R Blaheta
Numerical linear algebra with applications 10 (7), 619-637, 2003
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Articles 1–20