Hudson Silva Borges
Cited by
Cited by
Understanding the factors that impact the popularity of GitHub repositories
H Borges, A Hora, MT Valente
Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2016 IEEE International …, 2016
What’s in a github star? understanding repository starring practices in a social coding platform
H Borges, MT Valente
Journal of Systems and Software 146, 112-129, 2018
Predicting the popularity of github repositories
H Borges, A Hora, MT Valente
Proceedings of the The 12th international conference on predictive models …, 2016
Documenting apis with examples: Lessons learned with the apiminer platform
JE Montandon, H Borges, D Felix, MT Valente
2013 20th working conference on reverse engineering (WCRE), 401-408, 2013
On the popularity of GitHub applications: A preliminary note
H Borges, MT Valente, A Hora, J Coelho
arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.00604, 2015
On the (un‐) adoption of JavaScript front‐end frameworks
F Ferreira, HS Borges, MT Valente
Software: Practice and Experience 52 (4), 947-966, 2022
Beyond textual issues: Understanding the usage and impact of github reactions
H Borges, R Brito, MT Valente
Proceedings of the XXXIII Brazilian symposium on software engineering, 397-406, 2019
How do developers promote open source projects?
HS Borges, MT Valente
Computer 52 (8), 27-33, 2019
Mining usage patterns for the Android API
HS Borges, MT Valente
PeerJ Computer Science 1, e12, 2015
Managing reusable learning objects and experience reports in EduSE portal
R Santos, C Werner, H Costa, R Abílio, H Borges
2012 IEEE 13th International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration …, 2012
Metrics-based Detection of Similar Software (S).
P Oliveira, H Borges, MT Valente, HAX Costa
SEKE, 447-450, 2013
Refactoring react-based Web apps
F Ferreira, HS Borges, MT Valente
Journal of Systems and Software 215, 112105, 2024
Automatically categorising github repositories by application domain
F Zanartu, C Treude, B Cartaxo, HS Borges, P Moura, M Wagner, G Pinto
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.00269, 2022
Gerenciamento de objetos de aprendizagem para o ensino de engenharia de software no portal edues brasil
H Borges, GL Brugnara, PR Santos, HX Costa, CML Werner
VII Workshop Anual do MPS (WAMPS), Sessao de Ferramentas, pages, 156-164, 2011
Como Pesquisadores Usam o Dataset GHTorrent?
H Borges, J Coelho, P Carvalho, M Fernandes, MT Valente
5th Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution, and Maintenance (VEM 2017), 2017
GitHub Proxy Server: A tool for supporting massive data collection on GitHub
HS Borges, MT Valente
Proceedings of the XXXVI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 370-375, 2022
” We are dying!” On Death Signals of Software Ecosystems
F Soupinski, P Arantes, I Steinmacher, I Wiese, H Borges, B Cafeo, ...
Proceedings of the XXXVI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 363-369, 2022
On the popularity of github software
H Borges
2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution …, 2016
Uma Abordagem para Verificação de Similaridade entre Sistemas Orientados a Objetos
PM de Oliveira, HS Borges, MT Valente, HAX Costa
XI Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software, 2012
Um Modelo de Metadados de Objetos de Aprendizagem no Contexto do Ensino de Engenharia de Software
HS Borges, RP dos Santos, HAX Costa, CML Werner
XXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 2011
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Articles 1–20