Nazmul Karim, Ph.D.
Cited by
Cited by
Unicon: Combating label noise through uniform selection and contrastive learning
N Karim, MN Rizve, N Rahnavard, A Mian, M Shah
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
C-sfda: A curriculum learning aided self-training framework for efficient source free domain adaptation
N Karim, NC Mithun, A Rajvanshi, H Chiu, S Samarasekera, N Rahnavard
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Cnll: A semi-supervised approach for continual noisy label learning
N Karim, U Khalid, A Esmaeili, N Rahnavard
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Spi-gan: Towards single-pixel imaging through generative adversarial network
N Karim, N Rahnavard
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.01330, 2021
Rodd: A self-supervised approach for robust out-of-distribution detection
U Khalid, A Esmaeili, N Karim, N Rahnavard
2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition …, 2022
The prominence of artificial intelligence in covid-19
MD Nasim, A Dhali, F Afrin, NT Zaman, N Karimm, MMA Haque
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.09537, 2021
Odyssey: Creation, analysis and detection of trojan models
M Edraki, N Karim, N Rahnavard, A Mian, M Shah
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 16, 4521-4533, 2021
Rl-ncs: Reinforcement learning based data-driven approach for nonuniform compressed sensing
N Karim, A Zaeemzadeh, N Rahnavard
2019 IEEE 29th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal …, 2019
LatentEditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3D Scenes
U Khalid, H Iqbal, N Karim, J Hua, C Chen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.09313, 2023
Free-editor: zero-shot text-driven 3D scene editing
N Karim, H Iqbal, U Khalid, C Chen, J Hua
European Conference on Computer Vision, 436-453, 2025
SAVE: Spectral-Shift-Aware Adaptation of Image Diffusion Models for Text-driven Video Editing
N Karim, U Khalid, M Joneidi, C Chen, N Rahnavard
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.18670, 2023
Efficient Backdoor Removal Through Natural Gradient Fine-tuning
N Karim, AA Arafat, U Khalid, Z Guo, N Rahnavard
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.17441, 2023
Rf signal transformation and classification using deep neural networks
U Khalid, N Karim, N Rahnavard
Big Data IV: Learning, Analytics, and Applications 12097, 51-57, 2022
Adversarial training for face recognition systems using contrastive adversarial learning and triplet loss fine-tuning
N Karim, U Khalid, N Meeker, S Samarasinghe
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.04459, 2021
Fisher information guided purification against backdoor attacks
N Karim, AA Arafat, AS Rakin, Z Guo, N Rahnavard
arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.00863, 2024
Augmented Neural Fine-Tuning for Efficient Backdoor Purification
N Karim, AA Arafat, U Khalid, Z Guo, N Rahnavard
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.10052, 2024
A Survey of Recommender System Techniques and the Ecommerce Domain
I Hossain, MAH Palash, AT Sejuty, NA Tanjim, MD Nasim, S Saif, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.07399, 2022
Augmented Neural Fine-Tuning for Efficient Backdoor Purification (Supplementary Material)
N Karim, A Al Arafat, U Khalid, Z Guo, N Rahnavard
LatentEditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3D Scenes (Supplementary Material)
U Khalid, H Iqbal, N Karim, M Tayyab, J Hua, C Chen
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Articles 1–19