C. Meghan Starbuck Downes
Cited by
Cited by
Handbook of microalgal culture
A Richmond, Q Hu
John Wiley & Sons, Limited, 2013
Comparative cost analysis of algal oil production for biofuels
A Sun, R Davis, M Starbuck, A Ben-Amotz, R Pate, PT Pienkos
Energy 36 (8), 5169-5179, 2011
Microalgae to biofuels lifecycle assessment—Multiple pathway evaluation
JC Quinn, TG Smith, CM Downes, C Quinn
Algal Research 4, 116-122, 2014
Review of the algal biology program within the National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts
CJ Unkefer, RT Sayre, JK Magnuson, DB Anderson, I Baxter, IK Blaby, ...
Algal research 22, 187-215, 2017
Review of the cultivation program within the National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts
PJ Lammers, M Huesemann, W Boeing, DB Anderson, RG Arnold, X Bai, ...
Algal research 22, 166-186, 2017
Life cycle assessment of biodiesel production from algal bio-crude oils extracted under subcritical water conditions
S Ponnusamy, HK Reddy, T Muppaneni, CM Downes, S Deng
Bioresource technology 170, 454-461, 2014
Lease and fee hunting on private lands in the US: A review of the economic and legal issues
P Mozumder, C Meghan Starbuck, RP Berrens, S Alexander
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 12 (1), 1-14, 2007
Simulating changes in forest recreation demand and associated economic impacts due to fire and fuels management activities
CM Starbuck, RP Berrens, M McKee
Forest Policy and Economics 8 (1), 52-66, 2006
Review of the harvesting and extraction program within the National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts
BL Marrone, RE Lacey, DB Anderson, J Bonner, J Coons, T Dale, ...
Algal research 33, 470-485, 2018
Wilderness and primitive area recreation participation and consumption: An examination of demographic and spatial factors
JM Bowker, D Murphy, HK Cordell, DBK English, JC Bergstrom, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 38 (2), 317-326, 2006
Oil and gas production and economic growth in New Mexico
J Peach, CM Starbuck
Journal of Economic Issues 45 (2), 511-526, 2011
Valuing special forest products harvesting:: a two-step travel cost recreation demand analysis
CM Starbuck, SJ Alexander, RP Berrens, AK Bohara
Journal of Forest Economics 10 (1), 37-53, 2004
Estimating the Net Economic Value of National Forest Recreation: An Application of the National Visitor Use Monitoring Database.
JM Bowker, CM Starbuck, DBK English, JC Bergstrom, RS Rosenberger, ...
Estimating travel cost model: spatial approach
SG Kim, JM Bowker, SH Cho, DM Lambert, DBK English, CM Starbuck
The Origin of Wealth: Evolution, Complexity and the Radical Remaking of Economics
ED Beinhocker, CM Starbuck
Journal of economic issues 42 (3), 864, 2008
Nannochloropsis sp. algae for use as biofuel: Analyzing a translog production function using data from multiple sites in the southwestern United States
S Archambault, CMS Downes, W Van Voorhies, CA Erickson, P Lammers
Algal Research 6, 124-131, 2014
Comment on “Environmental life cycle comparison of algae to other bioenergy feedstocks”
CM Starbuck
Environmental Science & Technology 45 (2), 833-833, 2011
National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bio-Products Final Technical Report
JA Olivares, I Baxter, J Brown, M Carleton, RA Cattolico, D Taraka, ...
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO (United States), 2014
First Principles of Techno‐Economic Analysis of Algal Mass Culture
C Meghan Downes, Q Hu
Handbook of Microalgal Culture: Applied Phycology and Biotechnology, 310-326, 2013
Wilderness recreation participation: Projections for the next half century
JM Bowker, D Murphy, HK Cordell, DBK English, JC Bergstrom, ...
Science and stewardship to protect and sustain wilderness values: Eighth …, 2007
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Articles 1–20