Marie-Pierre Etienne
Marie-Pierre Etienne
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Estimating fishing effort in small-scale fisheries using GPS tracking data and random forests
F Behivoke, MP Etienne, J Guitton, RM Randriatsara, E Ranaivoson, ...
Ecological indicators 123, 107321, 2021
An autoregressive model to describe fishing vessel movement and activity
P Gloaguen, S Mahévas, E Rivot, M Woillez, J Guitton, Y Vermard, ...
Environmetrics 26 (1), 17-28, 2015
Statistical ecology comes of age
O Gimenez, ST Buckland, BJT Morgan, N Bez, S Bertrand, R Choquet, ...
Biology letters 10 (12), 20140698, 2014
Identifying stationary phases in multivariate time series for highlighting behavioural modes and home range settlements
R Patin, MP Etienne, E Lebarbier, S Chamaillé‐Jammes, S Benhamou
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (1), 44-56, 2020
Compound P oisson‐gamma vs. delta‐gamma to handle zero‐inflated continuous data under a variable sampling volume
JB Lecomte, HP Benoît, S Ancelet, MP Etienne, L Bel, E Parent
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 (12), 1159-1166, 2013
Characterizing individual differences in animal responses to a nutritional challenge: Toward improved robustness measures
NC Friggens, C Duvaux-Ponter, MP Etienne, T Mary-Huard, P Schmidely
Journal of Dairy Science 99 (4), 2704-2718, 2016
Modelling spatial zero-inflated continuous data with an exponentially compound Poisson process
S Ancelet, MP Etienne, H Benoît, E Parent
Environmental and Ecological Statistics 17 (3), 347-376, 2010
Combining scientific survey and commercial catch data to map fish distribution
B Alglave, E Rivot, MP Etienne, M Woillez, JT Thorson, Y Vermard
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 (4), 1133-1149, 2022
Effects of stochasticity in early life history on steepness and population growth rate estimates: An illustration on Atlantic bluefin tuna
M Simon, JM Fromentin, S Bonhommeau, D Gaertner, J Brodziak, ...
PloS one 7 (10), e48583, 2012
Metrics for describing dyadic movement: a review
R Joo, MP Etienne, N Bez, S Mahévas
Movement ecology 6, 1-17, 2018
The Langevin diffusion as a continuous‐time model of animal movement and habitat selection
T Michelot, P Gloaguen, PG Blackwell, MP Étienne
Methods in ecology and evolution 10 (11), 1894-1907, 2019
Trend changes in sympatric Subantarctic and Antarctic fur seal pup populations at Marion Island, Southern Ocean
M Wege, MP Etienne, W Chris Oosthuizen, RR Reisinger, MN Bester, ...
Marine Mammal Science 32 (3), 960-982, 2016
Illuviation intensity and land use change: Quantification via micromorphological analysis
O Sauzet, C Cammas, P Barbillon, MP Étienne, D Montagne
Geoderma 266, 46-57, 2016
Baseline study of the leaf‐litter ant fauna in a French Guianese forest
S Groc, J Orivel, A Dejean, JM MARTIN, MP ETIENNE, B Corbara, ...
Insect Conservation and Diversity 2 (3), 183-193, 2009
Modeling the habitat associations and spatial distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates: A hierarchical Bayesian model for zero-inflated biomass data
JB Lecomte, HP Benoît, MP Etienne, L Bel, E Parent
Ecological Modelling 265, 74-84, 2013
Stock Assessment for the inside population of yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) in British Columbia, Canada for 2010
KL Yamanaka, MK McAllister, PF Olesiuk, MP Etienne, S Obradovich, ...
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Science, Pacific Region, 2012
Asymptotic behavior of the local score of independent and identically distributed random sequences
JJ Daudin, MP Etienne, P Vallois
Stochastic processes and their applications 107 (1), 1-28, 2003
segclust2d: bivariate segmentation/clustering methods and tools
R Patin, MP Etienne, E Lebarbier, S Benhamou
R package version 0.2. 0, 2019
Stochastic differential equation based on a multimodal potential to model movement data in ecology
P Gloaguen, MP Etienne, S Le Corff
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 67 …, 2018
Environmental and dietary exposures near a major industrial harbour (Fos-sur-Mer, France) identified as a significant pathway for PCBs and PCDD/Fs accumulation in residents …
M Jeanjean, S Goix, M Periot, K Douib, J Dron, MP Etienne, P Marchand, ...
Exposure and Health 13 (3), 447-464, 2021
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