Thorsten Grosch
Thorsten Grosch
Professor for Computer Graphics, TU Clausthal
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Cited by
Imperfect shadow maps for efficient computation of indirect illumination
T Ritschel, T Grosch, MH Kim, HP Seidel, C Dachsbacher, J Kautz
ACM transactions on graphics (tog) 27 (5), 1-8, 2008
Approximating dynamic global illumination in image space
T Ritschel, T Grosch, HP Seidel
Proceedings of the 2009 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games, 75-82, 2009
The state of the art in interactive global illumination
T Ritschel, C Dachsbacher, T Grosch, J Kautz
Computer graphics forum 31 (1), 160-188, 2012
Fast and robust high dynamic range image generation with camera and object movement
T Grosch
Vision, Modeling and Visualization, RWTH Aachen 277284 (3), 2, 2006
Micro-rendering for scalable, parallel final gathering
T Ritschel, T Engelhardt, T Grosch, HP Seidel, J Kautz, C Dachsbacher
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 28 (5), 1-8, 2009
Voxel-based global illumination
S Thiedemann, N Henrich, T Grosch, S Müller
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 103-110, 2011
Interactive near-field illumination for photorealistic augmented reality on mobile devices
K Rohmer, W Büschel, R Dachselt, T Grosch
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 29-38, 2014
3D unsharp masking for scene coherent enhancement
T Ritschel, K Smith, M Ihrke, T Grosch, K Myszkowski, HP Seidel
ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 papers, 1-8, 2008
Real-time Indirect Illumination with Clustered Visibility.
Z Dong, T Grosch, T Ritschel, J Kautz, HP Seidel
VMV 9, 187-196, 2009
Consistent interactive augmentation of live camera images with correct near-field illumination
T Grosch, T Eble, S Mueller
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and …, 2007
Perceptual influence of approximate visibility in indirect illumination
I Yu, A Cox, MH Kim, T Ritschel, T Grosch, C Dachsbacher, J Kautz
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 6 (4), 1-14, 2009
Interactive global illumination based on coherent surface shadow maps.
T Ritschel, T Grosch, J Kautz, HP Seidel
Graphics Interface, 185-192, 2008
Natural environment illumination: Coherent interactive augmented reality for mobile and non-mobile devices
K Rohmer, J Jendersie, T Grosch
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 23 (11), 2474-2484, 2017
Interactive volume caustics in single-scattering media
W Hu, Z Dong, I Ihrke, T Grosch, G Yuan, HP Seidel
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics …, 2010
Differential Photon Mapping-Consistent Augmentation of Photographs with Correction of all Light Paths.
T Grosch
Eurographics (Short Presentations), 53-56, 2005
Interactive Illumination with Coherent Shadow Maps.
T Ritschel, T Grosch, J Kautz, S Müller
Rendering Techniques 7, 61-72, 2007
PanoAR: Interactive augmentation of omni-directional images with consistent lighting
T Grosch
Mirage 2005, Computer Vision/Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques and …, 2005
Interactive augmentation of live images using a hdr stereo camera
M Korn, M Stange, A von Arb, L Blum, M Kreil, KJ Kunze, J Anhenn, ...
JVRB-Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting 4 (12), 2008
Fast ray/axis-aligned bounding box overlap tests using ray slopes
M Eisemann, M Magnor, T Grosch, S Müller
Journal of graphics tools 12 (4), 35-46, 2007
Chemical Technology
X Ku
Metallurgical Industry Press (China), 1995
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Articles 1–20