Umit Yapanel
Umit Yapanel
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Teaching by listening: The importance of adult-child conversations to language development
FJ Zimmerman, J Gilkerson, JA Richards, DA Christakis, D Xu, S Gray, ...
Pediatrics 124 (1), 342-349, 2009
Audible television and decreased adult words, infant vocalizations, and conversational turns: a population-based study
DA Christakis, J Gilkerson, JA Richards, FJ Zimmerman, MM Garrison, ...
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 163 (6), 554-558, 2009
Automated vocal analysis of naturalistic recordings from children with autism, language delay, and typical development
DK Oller, P Niyogi, S Gray, JA Richards, J Gilkerson, D Xu, U Yapanel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (30), 13354-13359, 2010
Reliability of the LENA Language Environment Analysis System in young children’s natural home environment
D Xu, U Yapanel, S Gray
Boulder, CO: Lena Foundation, 1-16, 2009
What automated vocal analysis reveals about the vocal production and language learning environment of young children with autism
SF Warren, J Gilkerson, JA Richards, DK Oller, D Xu, U Yapanel, S Gray
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 40, 555-569, 2010
The lenatm language environment analysis system
M Ford, CT Baer, D Xu, U Yapanel, S Gray
The LENATM Language Environment Analysis System, 2008
Signal processing for young child speech language development.
D Xu, UH Yapanel, SS Gray, J Gilkerson, JA Richards, JHL Hansen
Wocci, 20, 2008
A new perceptually motivated MVDR-based acoustic front-end (PMVDR) for robust automatic speech recognition
UH Yapanel, JHL Hansen
Speech Communication 50 (2), 142-152, 2008
A new perspective on feature extraction for robust in-vehicle speech recognition.
UH Yapanel, JHL Hansen
INTERSPEECH, 1281-1284, 2003
System and method for expressive language, developmental disorder, and emotion assessment
TD Paul, DD Xu, SS Gray, U Yapanel, JS Gilkerson, JA Richards
US Patent 9,240,188, 2016
Robust feature extraction for continuous speech recognition using the MVDR spectrum estimation method
S Dharanipragada, UH Yapanel, BD Rao
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 15 (1), 224-234, 2006
Child vocalization composition as discriminant information for automatic autism detection
D Xu, J Gilkerson, J Richards, U Yapanel, S Gray
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
The LENA language environment analysis system: the interpreted time segments (ITS) file
D Xu, U Yapanel, S Gray, CT Baer
Infoture Inc.: Boulder, CO, USA, 2008
" CU-move": analysis & corpus development for interactive in-vehicle speech systems.
JHL Hansen, P Angkititrakul, JP Plucienkowski, S Gallant, UH Yapanel, ...
INTERSPEECH, 2023-2026, 2001
CU-MOVE: Advanced in-vehicle speech systems for route navigation
JHL Hansen, X Zhang, M Akbacak, UH Yapanel, B Pellom, W Ward, ...
DSP for in-vehicle and mobile systems, 19-45, 2005
Automated assessment of child vocalization development using LENA
JA Richards, D Xu, J Gilkerson, U Yapanel, S Gray, T Paul
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 60 (7), 2047-2063, 2017
Dialect analysis and modeling for automatic classification.
JHL Hansen, UH Yapanel, R Huang, A Ikeno
INTERSPEECH, 1569-1572, 2004
Perceptual MVDR-based cepstral coefficients (PMCCs) for robust speech recognition
UH Yapanel, S Dharanipragada
2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2003
Robust speech recognition in noise: an evaluation using the spine corpus
JHL Hansen, R Sarikaya, U Yapanel, B Pellom
Seventh European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 2001
Robust digit recognition in noise: an evaluation using the AURORA corpus.
UH Yapanel, JHL Hansen, R Sarikaya, BL Pellom
INTERSPEECH, 209-212, 2001
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Articles 1–20