Gustaf Nelhans
Gustaf Nelhans
Associate professor in Library and Information Science University of Borås, PhD in Theory of Science
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The heterogeneous landscape of bibliometric indicators: Evaluating models for allocating resources at Swedish universities
B Hammarfelt, G Nelhans, P Eklund, F Åström
Research Evaluation 25 (3), 292-305, 2016
Comprehensiveness of national bibliographic databases for social sciences and humanities: Findings from a European survey
L Sīle, J Pölönen, G Sivertsen, R Guns, TCE Engels, P Arefiev, ...
Research Evaluation 27 (4), 310-322, 2018
Semantic web, ubiquitous computing, or internet of things?: A macro-analysis of scholarly publications
N Olson, J Nolin, G Nelhans
Journal of Documentation 71 (5), 2015
The happiness turn? Mapping the emergence of “happiness studies” using cited references
C Kullenberg, G Nelhans
Scientometrics 103, 615-630, 2015
Twitter conversation patterns related to research papers
G Nelhans, DG Lorentzen
Information Research 21 (2), 2016
Modeling uncertainty in bibliometrics and information retrieval: an information fusion approach
A Karlsson, B Hammarfelt, HJ Steinhauer, G Falkman, N Olson, ...
Scientometrics 102, 2255-2274, 2015
Citeringens praktiker - Det vetenskapliga publicerandet som teori, metod och forskningspolitik (The practices of the citation: Scientific publication as theory, method and …
G Nelhans
Filosofi, lingvistik och vetenskapsteori/Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory …, 2013
Methodological considerations for identifying questionable publishing in a national context: The case of Swedish Higher Education Institutions
G Nelhans, T Bodin
Quantitative Science Studies 1 (2), 505-524, 2020
Resursfördelningsmodeller på bibliometrisk grund vid ett urval svenska lärosäten
G Nelhans, P Eklund
Högskolan i Borås, 2015
Mapping research on the social impact of the arts: what characterises the field?
S Lindström Sol, C Gustrén, G Nelhans, J Eklund, J Johannisson, ...
Open Research Europe 1, 124, 2022
Education after Auschwitz: Educational outcomes of teaching to prevent antisemitism
I Pistone, LM Andersson, A Lidström, C Mattsson, G Nelhans, T Pernler, ...
Measuring Welfare beyond GDP:‘Objective’and ‘Subjective’Indicators in Sweden, 1968–2015
C Kullenberg, G Nelhans
Valuation Studies 5 (1), 7-38, 2017
Performance-based evaluation metrics: influence at the macro, meso, and micro level
G Nelhans
Peer review in an Era of Evaluation: Understanding the Practice of …, 2022
Teaching and learning about the Holocaust: a systematic scoping review of existing research
I Pistone, LM Andersson, A Lidström, G Nelhans, T Pernler, J Sivenbring, ...
Holocaust Studies 30 (1), 1-21, 2024
On the potential for detecting scientific issues and controversies on Twitter: A method for investigation conversations mentioning research
D Lorentzen, J Eklund, G Nelhans, B Ekström
ISSI, the 17th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics …, 2019
Qualitative Scientometrics
G Nelhans
Proceedings of the 35th IATUL Conference, 2014
Hur värderas publiceringsmeriter i det svenska akademiska systemet?: En undersökning av värderingen av befordran till docent med särskilt fokus på betydelsen av öppen tillgång
E Joelsson, G Nelhans, CF Helgesson
Kungl. biblioteket, 2020
Response to Cult of the “I”
JM Nolin, AS Axelsson, A Doracic, C Lennartsson, A Lloyd, G Nelhans
Journal of Documentation, 2017
MESH classification of clinical guidelinesusing conceptual embeddings of references
J Eklund, D Gunnarsson Lorenzen, G Nelhans
17th conference of the International society for scientometrics and …, 2019
Topic modelling approaches to aggregated citation data
J Eklund, G Nelhans
22nd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, Paris …, 2017
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