Sriram Krishnan
Sriram Krishnan
Benchling, Salesforce, Twitter, Netflix, San Diego Supercomputer Center, Indiana University
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Cited by
Web servers and services for electrostatics calculations with APBS and PDB2PQR
S Unni, Y Huang, RM Hanson, M Tobias, S Krishnan, WW Li, JE Nielsen, ...
Journal of Computational Chemistry 32 (7), 1488-1491, 2011
GSFL: A workflow framework for grid services
P Wagstrom, S Krishnan, G von Laszewski
SC’2002, 2002
GSFL: A workflow framework for grid services
S Krishnan, P Wagstrom, G Von Laszewski
Preprint ANL/MCS-P980-0802, Argonne National Laboratory 9700, 2002
Programming the grid: Distributed software components, p2p and grid web services for scientific applications
D Gannon, R Bramley, G Fox, S Smallen, A Rossi, R Ananthakrishnan, ...
Cluster Computing 5 (3), 325-336, 2002
OpenTopography: a services oriented architecture for community access to LIDAR topography
S Krishnan, C Viswanath Nandigam, MP Crosby, C Cowart, C Baru, ...
proceedings of the 2nd international conference on computing for geospatial …, 2011
Harmony: A desktop grid for delivering enterprise computations
VK Naik, S Sivasubramanian, D Bantz, S Krishnan
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Grid Computing, 25, 2003
XCAT3: A framework for CCA components as OGSA services
S Krishnan, D Gannon
High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments, 2004 …, 2004
The XCAT science portal
S Krishnan, R Bramley, D Gannon, M Govindaraju, R Indurkar, ...
Supercomputing, ACM/IEEE 2001 Conference, 16-16, 2001
Merging the CCA component model with the OGSI framework
M Govindaraju, S Krishnan, K Chiu, A Slominski, D Gannon, R Bramley
Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2003. Proceedings. CCGrid 2003. 3rd IEEE/ACM …, 2003
myHadoop-Hadoop-on-Demand on Traditional HPC Resources
S Krishnan, M Tatineni, C Baru
San Diego Supercomputer Center Technical Report TR-2011--2, University of …, 2011
Design and evaluation of opal2: A toolkit for scientific software as a service
S Krishnan, L Clementi, J Ren, P Papadopoulos, W Li
Services-I, 2009 World Conference on, 709-716, 2009
Building grid portal applications from a web service component architecture
D Gannon, J Alameda, O Chipara, M Christie, V Dukle, L Fang, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 93 (3), 551-563, 2005
Opal: SimpleWeb Services Wrappers for Scientific Applications
S Krishnan, B Steam, K Bhatia, KK Baldridge, WW Li, P Arzberger
Web Services, 2006. ICWS'06. International Conference on, 823-832, 2006
Grid Web services and application factories
D Gannon, R Ananthakrishnan, S Krishnan, M Govindaraju, ...
Grid Computing, 251-264, 2002
Adaptive Resource Sharing in a Web Services Environment
S Krishnan, VK Naik, S Sivasubramanian
IFIP Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3231, 311-330, 2011
Adaptive resource sharing in a web services environment
VK Naik, S Sivasubramanian, S Krishnan
Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Conference on …, 2004
Multiscale simulations of copper electrodeposition onto a resistive substrate
TO Drews, S Krishnan, JC Alameda, D Gannon, RD Braatz, RC Alkire
IBM journal of research and development 49 (1), 49-63, 2005
On building parallel & grid applications: component technology and distributed services
D Gannon, S Krishnan, L Fang, G Kandaswamy, Y Simmhan, A Slominski
Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments, 2004. CLADE …, 2004
XCAT 2.0: A component-based programming model for Grid web services
M Govindaraju, S Krishnan, K Chiu, A Slominski, D Gannon, R Bramley
Submitted to Grid 2002, 3rd International Workshop on Grid Computing, 2002
Evaluation of MapReduce for gridding LIDAR data
S Krishnan, C Baru, C Crosby
Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2010 IEEE Second …, 2010
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Articles 1–20