Axel Klawonn
Axel Klawonn
Professor of Applied Mathematics, Universität zu Köln/University of Cologne
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Cited by
Dual-primal FETI methods for three-dimensional elliptic problems with heterogeneous coefficients
A Klawonn, OB Widlund, M Dryja
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 40 (1), 159-179, 2002
FETI and Neumann‐Neumann iterative substructuring methods: connections and new results
A Klawonn, O Widlund
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2001
Dual‐primal FETI methods for linear elasticity
A Klawonn, OB Widlund
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2006
Block-triangular preconditioners for saddle point problems with a penalty term
A Klawonn
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 19 (1), 172-184, 1998
Highly scalable parallel domain decomposition methods with an application to biomechanics
A Klawonn, O Rheinbach
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2010
An analysis of a FETI–DP algorithm on irregular subdomains in the plane
A Klawonn, O Rheinbach, OB Widlund
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 46 (5), 2484-2504, 2008
An optimal preconditioner for a class of saddle point problems with a penalty term
A Klawonn
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 19 (2), 540-552, 1998
Robust FETI-DP methods for heterogeneous three dimensional elasticity problems
A Klawonn, O Rheinbach
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 196 (8), 1400-1414, 2007
A parallel implementation of dual-primal FETI methods for three-dimensional linear elasticity using a transformation of basis
A Klawonn, O Rheinbach
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 28 (5), 1886-1906, 2006
Domain decomposition for less regular subdomains: Overlapping Schwarz in two dimensions
CR Dohrmann, A Klawonn, OB Widlund
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 46 (4), 2153-2168, 2008
Overlapping Schwarz methods for mixed linear elasticity and Stokes problems
A Klawonn, LF Pavarino
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 165 (1-4), 233-245, 1998
Inexact FETI‐DP methods
A Klawonn, O Rheinbach
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 69 (2), 284-307, 2007
FETI-DP methods with an adaptive coarse space
A Klawonn, P Radtke, O Rheinbach
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 53 (1), 297-320, 2015
A domain decomposition method with Lagrange multipliers and inexact solvers for linear elasticity
A Klawonn, OB Widlund
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 22 (4), 1199-1219, 2000
Block triangular preconditioners for nonsymmetric saddle point problems: field-of-values analysis
A Klawonn, G Starke
Numerische Mathematik 81, 577-594, 1999
Toward extremely scalable nonlinear domain decomposition methods for elliptic partial differential equations
A Klawonn, M Lanser, O Rheinbach
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37 (6), C667-C696, 2015
Adaptive coarse spaces for FETI-DP in three dimensions
A Klawonn, M Kuhn, O Rheinbach
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (5), A2880-A2911, 2016
Nonlinear feti-dp and bddc methods
A Klawonn, M Lanser, O Rheinbach
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (2), A737-A765, 2014
A comparison of adaptive coarse spaces for iterative substructuring in two dimensions
A Klawonn, P Radtke, O Rheinbach
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 45, 75-106, 2016
A family of energy minimizing coarse spaces for overlapping Schwarz preconditioners
CR Dohrmann, A Klawonn, OB Widlund
Domain decomposition methods in science and engineering XVII, 247-254, 2008
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Articles 1–20