Daniel K. L. Oi
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Geometric phases for mixed states in interferometry
E Sjöqvist, AK Pati, A Ekert, JS Anandan, M Ericsson, DKL Oi, V Vedral
Physical Review Letters 85 (14), 2845, 2000
Direct estimations of linear and nonlinear functionals of a quantum state
AK Ekert, CM Alves, DKL Oi, M Horodecki, P Horodecki, LC Kwek
Physical review letters 88 (21), 217901, 2002
Geometric quantum computation
A Ekert, M Ericsson, P Hayden, H Inamori, JA Jones, DKL Oi, V Vedral
Journal of modern optics 47 (14-15), 2501-2513, 2000
Fidelity of single qubit maps
MD Bowdrey, DKL Oi, AJ Short, K Banaszek, JA Jones
Physics Letters A 294 (5-6), 258-260, 2002
Advances in space quantum communications
JS Sidhu, SK Joshi, M Gündoğan, T Brougham, D Lowndes, L Mazzarella, ...
IET Quantum Communication 2 (4), 182-217, 2021
Observation of geometric phases for mixed states using NMR interferometry
J Du, P Zou, M Shi, LC Kwek, JW Pan, CH Oh, A Ekert, DKL Oi, ...
Physical review letters 91 (10), 100403, 2003
CubeSat quantum communications mission
DKL Oi, A Ling, G Vallone, P Villoresi, S Greenland, E Kerr, M Macdonald, ...
EPJ Quantum Technology 4, 1-20, 2017
Quantum cryptography based on qutrit Bell inequalities
D Kaszlikowski, DKL Oi, M Christandl, K Chang, A Ekert, LC Kwek, CH Oh
Physical Review A 67 (1), 012310, 2003
Generation and analysis of correlated pairs of photons aboard a nanosatellite
Z Tang, R Chandrasekara, YC Tan, C Cheng, L Sha, GC Hiang, DKL Oi, ...
Physical Review Applied 5 (5), 054022, 2016
Entanglement demonstration on board a nano-satellite
A Villar, A Lohrmann, X Bai, T Vergoossen, R Bedington, C Perumangatt, ...
Optica 7 (7), 734-737, 2020
Identifying an experimental two-state Hamiltonian to arbitrary accuracy
JH Cole, SG Schirmer, AD Greentree, CJ Wellard, DKL Oi, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (6), 062312, 2005
Proposal for space-borne quantum memories for global quantum networking
M Gündoğan, JS Sidhu, V Henderson, L Mazzarella, J Wolters, DKL Oi, ...
npj Quantum Information 7 (1), 1-10, 2021
Mixed state geometric phases, entangled systems, and local unitary transformations
M Ericsson, AK Pati, E Sjöqvist, J Brännlund, DKL Oi
Physical review letters 91 (9), 090405, 2003
Generalization of the geometric phase to completely positive maps
M Ericsson, E Sjöqvist, J Brännlund, DKL Oi, AK Pati
Physical Review A 67 (2), 020101, 2003
Interference of quantum channels
Physical review letters 91 (6), 067902, 2003
Coherent time evolution of a single-electron wave function
M Kataoka, MR Astley, AL Thorn, DKL Oi, CHW Barnes, CJB Ford, ...
Physical review letters 102 (15), 156801, 2009
Experimental Hamiltonian identification for controlled two-level systems
SG Schirmer, A Kolli, DKL Oi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 69 (5), 050306, 2004
Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in space-based experiments
DE Bruschi, C Sabín, A White, V Baccetti, DKL Oi, I Fuentes
New Journal of Physics 16 (5), 053041, 2014
Ancilla-driven universal quantum computation
J Anders, DKL Oi, E Kashefi, DE Browne, E Andersson
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (2), 020301, 2010
Quantum physics in space
A Belenchia, M Carlesso, Ö Bayraktar, D Dequal, I Derkach, G Gasbarri, ...
Physics Reports 951, 1-70, 2022
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