Dwayne E. Paré
Cited by
Cited by
Assessing the effectiveness of a voluntary online discussion forum on improving students’ course performance
CK Cheng, DE Paré, LM Collimore, S Joordens
Computers & Education 56 (1), 253-261, 2011
Peering into large lectures: examining peer and expert mark agreement using peerScholar, an online peer assessment tool
DE Paré, S Joordens
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 24 (6), 526-540, 2008
The pedagogical anatomy of peer-assessment: Dissecting a peerScholar assignment
S Joordens, S Desa, D Paré
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics & Informatics 7 (5), 1, 2009
SWDYT: So What Do You Think? Canadian students’ attitudes about peerScholar, an online peer-assessment tool
LM Collimore, DE Paré, S Joordens
Learning Environments Research 18, 33-45, 2015
PeerScholar: An evidence-based online peer assessment tool supporting critical thinking and clear communication
S Joordens, DE Pare, K Pruesse
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on e-Learning, 236-240, 2009
Is looking older than one’s actual age a sign of poor health?
SW Hwang, M Atia, R Nisenbaum, DE Pare, S Joordens
Journal of general internal medicine 26, 136-141, 2011
Scaling the development and measurement of transferable skills: Assessing the potential of rubric scoring in the context of peer assessment
S Joordens, D Paré, R Walker, J Hewitt, C Brett
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, 2019
Turning the process-dissociation procedure inside-out: A new technique for understanding the relation between conscious and unconscious influences
S Joordens, DE Wilson, TM Spalek, DE Paré
Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1), 270-280, 2010
Web-based image norming: How do object familiarity and visual complexity ratings compare when collected in-lab versus online?
DE Pare, GS Cree
Behavior Research Methods 41 (3), 699-704, 2009
Taking learning outcomes to the gym: An assignment-based approach to developing and assessing learning outcomes
S Joordens, D Pare, LM Collimore
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, 2014
Put Stude ts’ Mi ds Together ad their Hearts Will Follow: Building a Sense of Community in Large-Sized Classes via Peer-and Self-Assessment
DE Paré, LM Collimore, S Joordens, C Rolheiser, R Brym, ...
The invisible researcher: Using educational technologies as research tools for education
DE Paré, S Joordens
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 7 (5), 37-42, 2009
Is “appearing chronically ill” a sign of poor health? A study of diagnostic accuracy
S Rawal, M Atia, R Nisenbaum, DE Pare, S Joorden, SW Hwang
Plos one 8 (11), e79934, 2013
Everyone’s a Critic: Memory Models and Uses for an Artificial Turing Judge
WJ MacInnes, BC Armstrong, D Pare, GS Cree, S Joordens
Proceedings of the Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, 132-137, 2009
The peerScholar Process: Using Formative Peer and Self-Assessment to Enhance and Quantify Critical Thinking Skills, Metacognitive Awareness, and Sense of Community
DE Paré
University of Toronto (Canada), 2020
Put students' minds together and their hearts will follow: Amener les étudiants à réfléchir ensemble pour les rapprocher: créer und sentiment d'appartenance dans les claseses …
DE Paré, S Joordens, LM Collimore, C Rolheiser, R Brym, ...
desLibris, 2015
Amener les étudiants à réfléchir ensemble pour les rapprocher: Put students' minds together and their hearts will follow: building a sense of community in large-sized classes …
DE Paré
desLibris, 2015
Taking learning outcomes to the gym: Programme d'entraînement pour les résultats d'apprentissage: méthode d'établissement et d'évaluation des résultats d'apprentissage fondée …
S Joordens, LM Collimore, DE Paré
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Higher …, 2014
The Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
S Joordens, D Paré, LM Collimore
le Conseil ontarien de la qualité de l’enseignement supérieur
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Articles 1–20