Jess Holbrook
Jess Holbrook
Director of UX Research, Meta
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Cited by
The effects of example-based explanations in a machine learning interface
CJ Cai, J Jongejan, J Holbrook
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on intelligent user …, 2019
Is there a hierarchy of social inferences? The likelihood and speed of inferring intentionality, mind, and personality.
BF Malle, J Holbrook
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 102 (4), 661, 2012
A systematic review and thematic analysis of community-collaborative approaches to computing research
N Cooper, T Horne, GR Hayes, C Heldreth, M Lahav, J Holbrook, L Wilcox
Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2022
Toward responsible AI for the next billion users
N Sambasivan, J Holbrook
Interactions 26 (1), 68-71, 2018
Unmet needs and opportunities for mobile translation AI
DJ Liebling, M Lahav, A Evans, A Donsbach, J Holbrook, B Smus, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2020
Identifying the Intersections: User Experience + Research Scientist Collaboration in a Generative Machine Learning Interface
DE Claire Kayacik, Sherol Chen, Signe Noerly, Jess Holbrook, Adam Roberts
CHI 2019, 2019
Human-Centered Responsible Artificial Intelligence: Current & Future Trends
M Tahaei, M Constantinides, D Quercia, S Kennedy, M Muller, S Stumpf, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2023
Systems and methods that leverage deep learning to selectively store images at a mobile image capture device
I Bialynicka-Birula, B Aguera-Arcas, D Ramage, HB McMahan, OF Lange, ...
US Patent 9,836,484, 2017
Systems and methods for selective retention and editing of images captured by mobile image capture device
I Bialynicka-Birula, B Aguera-Arcas, D Ramage, HB McMahan, OF Lange, ...
US Patent 10,732,809, 2020
Low power framework for controlling image sensor mode in a mobile image capture device
AM Donsbach, B Vanik, JG Clapper, A Lentz, JD Lovejoy, RD Fritz III, ...
US Patent 10,728,489, 2020
The design space of generative models
MR Morris, CJ Cai, J Holbrook, C Kulkarni, M Terry
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.10547, 2023
Systems and methods for selective retention and editing of images captured by mobile image capture device
AM Donsbach, B Vanik, JG Clapper, A Lentz, JD Lovejoy, RD Fritz III, ...
US Patent 9,836,819, 2017
Theory of mind
B Malle, JS Holbrook
Noba textbook series: Psychology. DEF publishers, 2022
What does AI mean for smallholder farmers? a proposal for farmer-centered AI research
C Heldreth, D Akrong, J Holbrook, NM Su
Interactions 28 (4), 56-60, 2021
Human-centered machine learning
J Holbrook
Medium: Google Design 10, 2017
Human-Centered Machine Learning. 7 steps to stay focused on the user when designing with ML
J Lovejoy, J Holbrook
Medium. Retrieved September, 2018
The time course of social perception: Inferences of intentionality, goals, beliefs, and traits from behavior
J Holbrook
ProQuest, 2006
Human-centered machine learning
J Lovejoy, J Holbrook
Is there a hierarchy of social inferences
BF Malle, J Holbrook
The likelihood and speed of inferring, 2012
Implications of Regulations on the Use of AI and Generative AI for Human-Centered Responsible Artificial Intelligence
M Constantinides, M Tahaei, D Quercia, S Stumpf, M Madaio, S Kennedy, ...
Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2024
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Articles 1–20