Petr Znachor
Petr Znachor
Biology centre AS CR, v.v.i., Institute of Hydrobiology
E-mailová adresa ověřena na: - Domovská stránka
Characteristics, main impacts, and stewardship of natural and artificial freshwater environments: consequences for biodiversity conservation
M Cantonati, S Poikane, CM Pringle, LE Stevens, E Turak, J Heino, ...
Water 12 (1), 260, 2020
Unveiling distribution patterns of freshwater phytoplankton by a next generation sequencing based approach
A Eiler, S Drakare, S Bertilsson, J Pernthaler, S Peura, C Rofner, K Simek, ...
PLoS One 8 (1), e53516, 2013
Spatio-temporal patterns of bacterioplankton production and community composition related to phytoplankton composition and protistan bacterivory in a dam reservoir
K Simek, K Hornák, J Jezbera, J Nedoma, P Znachor, J Hejzlar, J Sed’a
Aquatic microbial ecology 51 (3), 249-262, 2008
Seasonal study of extracellular phosphatase expression in the phytoplankton of a eutrophic reservoir
A štrojsová, J Vrba, J Nedoma, J Komárková, P Znachor
European Journal of Phycology 38 (4), 295-306, 2003
Summer changes in cyanobacterial bloom composition and microcystin concentration in eutrophic Czech reservoirs
P Znachor, T Jurczak, J Komarkova, J Jezberova, J Mankiewicz, ...
Environmental Toxicology: An International Journal 21 (3), 236-243, 2006
Niche-directed evolution modulates genome architecture in freshwater Planctomycetes
AŞ Andrei, MM Salcher, M Mehrshad, P Rychtecký, P Znachor, R Ghai
The ISME journal 13 (4), 1056-1071, 2019
A finely tuned symphony of factors modulates the microbial food web of a freshwater reservoir in spring
K SŠimek, J Nedoma, P Znachor, V Kasalický, J Jezbera, K Hornňák, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 59 (5), 1477-1492, 2014
Spatial heterogeneity and seasonal succession of phytoplankton along the longitudinal gradient in a eutrophic reservoir
P Rychtecký, P Znachor
Hydrobiologia 663, 175-186, 2011
The effect of extreme rainfall on summer succession and vertical distribution of phytoplankton in a lacustrine part of a eutrophic reservoir
P Znachor, E Zapomělová, K Řeháková, J Nedoma, K Šimek
Aquatic Sciences 70, 77-86, 2008
Recovery of freshwater microbial communities after extreme rain events is mediated by cyclic succession
T Shabarova, MM Salcher, P Porcal, P Znachor, J Nedoma, HP Grossart, ...
Nature Microbiology 6 (4), 479-488, 2021
Importance of dissolved organic carbon for phytoplankton nutrition in a eutrophic reservoir
P Znachor, J Nedoma
Journal of plankton research 32 (3), 367-376, 2010
Detection of extracellular phosphatases in natural spring phytoplankton of a shallow eutrophic lake (Donghu, China)
X Cao, A Štrojsová, P Znachor, E ZApomělová, G Liu, J Vrba, Y Zhou
European Journal of phycology 40 (3), 251-258, 2005
The Limnohabitans genus harbors generalistic and opportunistic subtypes: evidence from spatiotemporal succession in a canyon-shaped reservoir
J Jezberová, J Jezbera, P Znachor, J Nedoma, V Kasalický, K Šimek
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83 (21), e01530-17, 2017
Fish community response to the longitudinal environmental gradient in Czech deep-valley reservoirs: implications for ecological monitoring and management
M Vašek, M Prchalová, M Říha, P Blabolil, M Čech, V Draštík, J Frouzová, ...
Ecological Indicators 63, 219-230, 2016
Short-term variability in primary productivity during a wind-driven diatom bloom in the Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba)
D Iluz, G Dishon, E Capuzzo, E Meeder, R Astoreca, V Montecino, ...
Aquatic microbial ecology 56 (2-3), 205-215, 2009
Changing environmental conditions underpin long-term patterns of phytoplankton in a freshwater reservoir
P Znachor, J Nedoma, J Hejzlar, J Seďa, J Komárková, V Kolář, ...
Science of the Total Environment 710, 135626, 2020
Experimental comparison of phenotypical plasticity and growth demands of two strains from the Anabaena circinalis/A. crassa complex (cyanobacteria)
E Zapomělová, D Hisem, K Řeháková, P Hrouzek, J Jezberová, ...
Journal of Plankton Research 30 (11), 1257-1269, 2008
Distribution and ecological preferences of the freshwater lineage LimA (genus Limnohabitans) revealed by a new double hybridization approach
T Shabarova, V Kasalický, K Šimek, J Nedoma, P Znachor, T Posch, ...
Environmental microbiology 19 (3), 1296-1309, 2017
Morphological diversity of coiled planktonic types of the genus Anabaena (cyanobacteria) in natural populations-taxonomic consequences
Cryptogamie, Algologie 28 (4), 353-371, 2007
Environmental DNA metabarcoding uncovers environmental correlates of fish communities in spatially heterogeneous freshwater habitats
P Blabolil, LR Harper, Š Říčanová, G Sellers, C Di Muri, T Jůza, M Vašek, ...
Ecological Indicators 126, 107698, 2021
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