The fractal geometry of nature/Revised and enlarged edition BB Mandelbrot New York, 1983 | 55317 | 1983 |
The variation of certain speculative prices BB Mandelbrot, BB Mandelbrot Fractals and Scaling in Finance: Discontinuity, Concentration, Risk. Selecta …, 1997 | 10941 | 1997 |
Fractional Brownian motions, fractional noises and applications BB Mandelbrot, JW Van Ness SIAM review 10 (4), 422-437, 1968 | 10307 | 1968 |
Fractals B Mandelbrot Freeman, 1977 | 8617* | 1977 |
How long is the coast of Britain? Statistical self-similarity and fractional dimension B Mandelbrot science 156 (3775), 636-638, 1967 | 6070 | 1967 |
Fractals and scaling in finance: Discontinuity, concentration, risk. Selecta volume E BB Mandelbrot Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 2665 | 2013 |
Nature BB Mandelbrot, DE Passoja, AJ Pullay Land 308, 721, 1984 | 2660 | 1984 |
Intermittent turbulence in self-similar cascades: divergence of high moments and dimension of the carrier BB Mandelbrot, BB Mandelbrot Multifractals and 1/ƒ Noise: Wild Self-Affinity in Physics (1963–1976), 317-357, 1999 | 2597 | 1999 |
Les objets fractals: forme, hasard et dimension BB Mandelbrot (No Title), 1975 | 2238 | 1975 |
The (mis) behaviour of markets: a fractal view of risk, ruin and reward BB Mandelbrot, RL Hudson Profile books, 2010 | 1954 | 2010 |
Noah, Joseph, and operational hydrology BB Mandelbrot, JR Wallis Water resources research 4 (5), 909-918, 1968 | 1567 | 1968 |
Robustness of the rescaled range R/S in the measurement of noncyclic long run statistical dependence BB Mandelbrot, JR Wallis Water resources research 5 (5), 967-988, 1969 | 1475 | 1969 |
Some long‐run properties of geophysical records BB Mandelbrot, JR Wallis Water resources research 5 (2), 321-340, 1969 | 1419 | 1969 |
Self-affine fractals and fractal dimension BB Mandelbrot Physica scripta 32 (4), 257, 1985 | 1299 | 1985 |
New methods in statistical economics B Mandelbrot Journal of political economy 71 (5), 421-440, 1963 | 1290 | 1963 |
Statistical methodology for nonperiodic cycles: from the covariance to R/S analysis B Mandelbrot Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, Volume 1, Number 3, 259-290, 1972 | 1108 | 1972 |
Computer experiments with fractional Gaussian noises: Part 1, averages and variances BB Mandelbrot, JR Wallis Water resources research 5 (1), 228-241, 1969 | 1107* | 1969 |
The Pareto-Levy law and the distribution of income B Mandelbrot International economic review 1 (2), 79-106, 1960 | 1093 | 1960 |
Random walk models for the spike activity of a single neuron GL Gerstein, B Mandelbrot Biophysical journal 4 (1), 41-68, 1964 | 1011 | 1964 |
Fractals in nature: from characterization to simulation MF Barnsley, RL Devaney, BB Mandelbrot, HO Peitgen, D Saupe, ... The science of fractal images, 21-70, 1988 | 970 | 1988 |